The word “vasectomy” often conjures up a broad range of reactions in men (and sometimes in women, too.) For some men, the word vasectomy is taboo and they do not want to hear it spoken within their hearing range. These men, and there is nothing wrong with this belief, feel that their manhood and their virility is tied up with their fertility, i.e. their ability to father children. A vasectomy, a surgery which – while not harming the male genitals or reproductive organs – stops men from being able to father children, makes these men feel that they have lost some essential part of their manhood. Men who feel this way rare, if ever, consider vasectomies. On the other hand, there are some men who use a vasectomy as a form of family planning. A young man may decide he never wants children and thus get a vasectomy operation. On the other hand, an older man, who already has children and is happy and fulfilled by his family, may get a vasectomy so that he and his wife no longer have to practice other forms of birth control. Whatever a man’s feelings about the vasectomy procedure, it is a medical procedure, and one that is safe, rarely harmful and features few adverse side effects.
Vasectomy side effects are rare but they do occur. The vasectomy procedure is performed when a doctor stops a man’s vas deferens – the tubes that carry sperm and seminal fluid in a man’s body – from excreting sperm. In this manner, sperm is no longer expelled, and a man’s sexual partners will be unable to conceive through sexual intercourse. Many couples prefer this method of birth control for a number of reasons. For one, female birth control is often an involved process. Birth control pills and other potions can cause nasty side effects in women, and devices, such as under-the-skin IUD implants can cause infections, side effects and infertility.
On the other hand, the vasectomy is a very simple thirty minute procedure. Doctors perform vasectomies as outpatient procedures, meaning that there is no hospital stay required. Because only a local anesthetic is used, men do not even have to worry about the side effects of anesthesia. (And, interestingly, one of the major risks of surgery involving anesthesia is side effects from “going under.”) Vasectomies also have a short recovery time, with men usually being able to return to work within a few days. As with any surgery, men who have just had a vasectomy or advised against bending, doing heavy lifting, and performing strenuous tasks such as manual labor. Some vasectomy side effects, such as straining the surgical area or busting surgical stitches, can occur if such strenuous activities are performed too soon after surgery.
Other vasectomy side effects include pain or discomfort in the genital area. This is extremely common, considering that is the site where the operation occurred. For such vasectomy side effects, doctors usually recommend simple treatments, such as applying a cold compress to the affected area and taking a pain reliever such as Tylenol, Advil or Aspirin. In order to avoid vasectomy side effects, patients are also advised to take it easy for a few days and not strain the surgical area. This is includes not even attempting to drive themselves home. Most men are all too willing to take that advice so that they do not damage a particularly sensitive part of the male anatomy.
Luckily for men, a vasectomy is a surgical procedure with many benefits and few to no side effects. If you are worried about side effects, be sure to discuss this worry with your primary care physician before making the decision to have a vasectomy.
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