Everyone has experienced a headache some time during their life. For some, these headaches can occur more often and be more intense. There are several different types of headaches that people can suffer from. There are migraines, sinus headaches, menstrual headaches, cluster headaches and even tension headaches. If you are not sure what type of headache you are suffering from then it may be worth learning more about the tension headache to see if that is what you may have.
Tension headaches can also be referred to as stress headaches. It has not been proven exactly what causes a tension headache but they usually tend to start off mild and grow in intensity gradually. They can be mild or severe and typically the pain is described as a dull, all over ache. Also it may feel as if a tight band is wrapped around the head or a throbbing sensation can be felt. Other symptoms can be described as feeling tightness or pain in the neck and shoulder area as well as the head. For some reason studies have noted that people who suffer from tension headaches complain of getting the headache in the middle of the day.
There is no real cure for tension headaches, but there can be different methods of dealing with the pain and trying to prevent the headaches from reoccurring. Over the counter medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen can often offer relief if they are taken during the early signs of the headache. Once the headache has progressed to the point where it has become extremely painful the medicines take longer to get the headache back under control. If you take pain relievers in the beginning phases of a headache it often wards off a full blown headache.
Also, you can try taking a break or resting a bit to relax your muscles. You can try to breathe deeply and slowly to get more oxygen to the muscles that need to relax. If you are tense you could take a hot shower or use a heating pack or an ice pack on the back of your neck and head to see if that may offer some relief. Sleeping the headache off is often a good remedy however that is not always realistic. For some people, tension headaches start during stressful times and it may be important to just step away from a stressful situation and get some fresh air.
To avoid getting tension headaches you should try to exercise often, get enough sleep, and eat a healthy diet. Try to avoid stressful situations if you notice that it triggers your headaches. Also pay attention to other triggers, such as lighting, eye strain and the amount of time spent in front of a computer monitor. Different people can have different things that can trigger a tension headache.
If you have been suffering from tension headaches for sometime or if they are chronic and seem to be daily, then it is time to discuss this with your physician. There may be some medications that your doctor can prescribe to prevent your headaches from coming back. Also if the over the counter medications do not seem to take the edge off, it may be time to get a stronger dose or type of medication in prescription form. Be sure to talk about your symptoms with your doctor to be sure it is in fact a real tension headache and not something more serious. Although tension headaches may not be curable and can become a real nuisance, they are often manageable and preventable when dealt with properly.
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