Ringworm treatment

If you have ever seen ringworm, then you understand why they named this fungus ‘ringworm’ even though it has nothing to do with worms. Someone who has the fungus called ringworm will have a circular mark that resembles a ring on either their body or nails. The circle is flat and usually looks like a worm might have just crawled under the sufferer’s skin and decided to call it home. Ringworm on nails may also make them brittle and yellowed. You can also get ringworm on your scalp. If you have ringworm on your scalp, it may be harder to identify because of your hair and because it will not be a circle. Instead, you may notice a pimple, brittle hair, bald spots and yellowed crust on your scalp. Ringworm can attack the feet as well, but it will not show up as a round circle. Instead, you will have dry skin that is scaly or cracked along with a burning and itchiness on your feet and very often in between your toes. But, as we mentioned above, ringworm is not actually caused by a worm—it is a fungus and can be caught after one person has direct contact with someone who has ringworm or touches the same surface that the infected touched. You can even get some types of ringworm from your pets.

There are several different types of ringworm. Each attacks a different part of the body, some can live in soil, and others are present only in humans. Even athlete’s foot is considered a form of ringworm. Because it is so easily shared, ringworm outbreaks can occur in schools, camps, athletic clubs, day cares and anywhere else that skin is exposed to surfaces. Public showers can be especially risky, so proper wet shoes are suggested.

Because it is unsightly and itches, an immediate treatment for ringworm is often sought. When looking for an over the counter solution, you will find many anti fungal ringworm treatments. Most of them will contain ingredients such as miconazole and clotrimazole. They may be sold under recognizable brand names or under off brand names. Over the counter anti fungal ringworm treatment is generally successful. Because they contain smaller amounts of active ingredients than their prescribed counterparts, it may take longer for the ringworm to be cured. It is important that you keep the infected area clean, your hands free of contaminants and your home clean so that you do not spread the fungus while waiting for treatment to be successful.

Prescription ringworm treatment is often prescribed along with a corticosteroid in order to help reduce or alleviate the itching that accompanies ringworm. In some very rare and extremely severe instances, your infection could be so deep that it requires surgery in order to remove the infection. You may also require oral antibiotics to reduce the possibility of a dangerous fungal infection. As long as either over the counter or prescription treatment is sought before the fungus has had too much time to settle into your system, you should be able to avoid both surgery and antibiotics.

If you think you have ringworm, you should see your primary care physician immediately. You may be correct in your assessment or, you may be wrong and be suffering from something even more serious. Your primary care physician can help you get the right diagnosis and the right treatment before your symptoms become worse. If you decide to take any over the counter ringworm treatment, be sure to follow the dosage instruction carefully. If you notice any irritation, swelling, or other side effect, visit your primary care physician immediately.

Last updated on Oct 23rd, 2009 and filed under Skin Care. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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