Probiotics supplements for children

We’ve all heard of antibiotics. The term is used most commonly to refer to beneficial microorganisms introduced into the body to fight some other, harmful microorganisms that make up illness. But with every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction, and the same holds true for “biotics.” Just as there are antibiotics, there are probiotics, and some health professionals recommend probiotics as sort of the opposite of antibiotics – instead of killing bad organisms, probiotics – such as probiotics supplements for children – introduce healthy microorganism into the body. These healthy probiotics supplements for children then help the child’s body in beneficial ways.

The World Health Organization (WHO), a division of the United Nations, has even spoken out about probiotics supplements for children and adults. WHO officials issued a statement stating that live microorganisms (in other words, probiotics) when administered in adequate amounts, actually provided health benefits to the probiotics’ host.

So what are probiotics and what is the benefit of probiotics supplements for children? There are any number of probiotics out there, but some of the most common are lactic acid bacteria (LAB), bifidobacteria, yeasts and even some bacilli. For example lactic acid can be used to help people with lactose intolerance (i.e. suffering from pains after eating dairy products) digest lactose with ease, allowing them to get the healthy, balanced diet they need.

Scientists are now studying probiotics supplements for children and adults in order to help with other specific disorders. For instance, some probiotics might actually help relieve chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases in people. Chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases cause such harsh and unpleasant – and even sometimes life threatening – side-effects as diarrhea, urogenital infections, and atopic diseases.

As for probiotics supplements for children, some scientists and doctors condone the practice. These scientists and doctors condone the practice because they say that probiotics supplements for children will help them grow up to develop a healthy digestive system and a strong immune system. Both the digestive and immune systems are very important in growing young people and exhibiting robust health as children often servers as a precursor for the state of a person’s health as an adult.

If a doctor were to explain to a child why probiotics supplements for children are necessary, he or she might tell the child that though we often think of bacteria as a bad thing, stomachs also teem with what is known as friendly bacteria. When these bacteria are in good shape – and probiotics supplements for children help them maintain that good shape – then children’s young stomachs are healthier, able to better digest food, and able to refrain from being sick more easily. Probiotics help that same stomach bacteria keep other, less friendly bacteria – such as yeasts and molds – in check.

According to some doctors, children at any age could benefit from taking probiotics supplements for children. Some even specifically recommend probiotics supplements for children, stating that they heavily influence the entire immune and digestive system and set the stage for later healthy growth. Scientists also sometimes recommend a dose of probiotics after a regimen of antibiotics, stating that probiotics give back the health bacteria that antibiotics sometimes take away in the course of fighting an illness.

Some doctors even advise probiotics supplements for children even before a child is ill. They say that probiotics supplements for children should be administered when the first symptoms of a cold or flu show up so that a child’s immune system is bolstered and the symptoms hopefully won’t “take.” Some doctors even recommend probiotic supplements for children for specific disorders such as acne or Chrohn’s disease.

If you are thinking of administering probiotics to your child, first check with your primary care physician or pediatrician before proceeding. While studies of probiotics make their benefits sound excellent, you should always get a doctor’s advice before proceeding with a treatment or radical change, especially if it concerns young and vulnerable children.

Last updated on Mar 11th, 2010 and filed under Health Supplements. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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