Probiotics are becoming a popular dietary supplement. We see them advertised in all kinds of foods nowadays as well. These supplements contain beneficial or “good” bacteria like those that are also found in the intestines. There are two different groups these “good” bacteria may come from. One is called Lactobacillus and the other is called Bifodobacterium. The more popular and most used of the two is Lactobacillus. The effects of one group of these probiotics may not be the same as the other. Before you begin taking probiotics you should be aware of the side effects.
Probiotics have been used for a long time now by all kinds of people but their effectiveness and safety has not been scientifically proven however. These are living micro organisms that are available in supplemental forms. Various alternative health practitioners use recommend them as complementary medicine. Probiotics are not the same as prebiotics and should not be confused. However, they both compliment each other.
Some of the probiotic side effects that are beneficial include the promotion of good overall health and well being of the digestive tract. For instance, infectious diarrhea, excessive gas and bloating and inflammatory bowel disease can all benefit from supplementing with probiotics. Individuals who have ulcerative colitis or Chron’s disease benefit from the use of probiotics. Female organ infections, Candida, skin infections, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach and respiratory infections and tooth decay are all helped to heal by using probiotics. People who are on antibiotics can counter act the bad side effects from these medications by taking probiotics. Since antibiotics kill even the good bacteria, replacing them with probiotic supplements is thought to be beneficial.
Probiotic supplements are normally extremely beneficial to the body. The only negative side effect is that some individuals may experience mild gas or bloating when they first start taking probiotic supplements. However, this side effect is temporary. To date, there have been no scientific studies done on the use of probiotics. However, they have been used by people without serious negative side effects being noted. Some experts caution that infections can be caused in some people who already have underlying health conditions if they use probiotics. This is because of the introduction of bacteria into the body, even though they are good bacterium. Experts also caution that probiotics can cause the immune system to become over stimulated. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove this suspicion yet.
You should consult with your medical doctor before taking probiotics. It is not advised that you replace the use of conventional medical care with the use of probiotics for digestive problems. If you begin taking these supplements and notice negative side effects you should stop taking them and consult with your doctor. Probiotics are now found in many food substances like yogurt and other dairy products. Bread is even being sold now with probiotics listed in the ingredients.
It is not really known why probiotics are beneficial yet. However, what is known is that the intestinal tract is already lined with more than 400 kinds of good bacteria. It is thought that these good bacteria crowd out germs and bad bacteria in the intestinal tract to keep the digestive tract functioning on a healthy basis.
Not all probiotic supplements are the same. Look for “live and active cultures” listed on the label. Most people use these products when they are having digestive problems. You can find probiotics in capsule, powder, tablet and liquid form. They should be kept in the refrigerator. Aside from dairy foods, fermented foods like sauerkraut also have probiotics. You can take these supplements on a daily basis. There is no recommended dosage.
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