Everyone’s life has some amount of stress and anxiety; it is nearly impossible to live a carefree, stress-free, anxiety-free life. We all have demands, deadlines, and every day hassles. The mere fact of having to arrive on work at a specific time may cause stress or anxiety in some individuals. It is how we deal with these things that shape us and determine how we get through the day. Some people are better at dealing with stress and anxiety than others. In fact, stress is a completely normal physiological response to events that may make you feel threatened or upset in some way. If kept under control, it helps us stay motivated and energetic, but when our bodies are constantly on edge, it tends to affect us both physically and mentally in a negative way. This article will focus on the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety and different ways to help us manage, deal, and cope with those feelings. Recognizing the symptoms is a good thing to be able to do so you know when to take a deep breath and calm down.
Causes of Stress and Anxiety
There are both external and internal causes of stress. External causes include major life changes, work, relationship problems, financial problems, being too busy, children, and family. Internal factors include inability to accept uncertainty, pessimism, negative self-talk, unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, and lack of assertiveness. Regardless of the cause, eventually, our bodies will react the same way. Anxiety has different causes as well, some of them medical related.
Symptoms of Anxiety and Stress
Stress that happens constantly for long periods of time can cause chronic health problems because it disrupts most, if not all, of our bodily systems. Unfortunately, it is something that can easily creep up on us. The physical symptoms you will notice are aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, loss of sex drive, and frequent colds. Problems that long term stress can cause are raised blood pressure, suppressed immune system, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, infertility, and a faster aging process. Other problems associated with this kind of stress are depression, obesity, autoimmune disease, skin conditions, sleeping problems, and digestion problems. Physical symptoms of anxiety are slightly different, and include: a pounding heart, sweating, an upset stomach, dizziness, frequent urination, diarrhea, shortness of breath, tremors and twitches, muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.
Managing Stress
There are different ways to manage stress. You can’t necessarily change the circumstances that cause you stress, but you can change the ways in which you deal with them. Take charge of everything, from your thoughts and emotions to your environment and schedule. Stress management is a good technique that involves changing the situation that you’re in (if you can) and making time for some R&R (rest and relaxation). A strong network of caring family members and friends can also help an individual successfully manage stress and its symptoms. Spend time with these people. Also, you can try certain relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.
Managing Anxiety
Dealing with anxiety used many of the same techniques and resources that managing stress does, such as meditation, yoga, rest and relaxation, taking care of your body, and another thing: ask for help when you need it. Don’t be afraid to share responsibilities or ask a family member, friend, or co-worker for help. They will most likely understand. Also, don’t be afraid to seek medical attention if you truly need it, such as seeing a psychologist, therapist, or your family doctor. Medication and different types of therapy are available.
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