
Methionine is an essential amino acid. It is one of the amino acids that can not be manufactured by the body. Methionine is obtained from ingested food such as meat, fish, beans, yogurt, dairy products, lentils and seeds. People who need more Methionine may use the natural or synthetic supplements. These supplements in powder or capsule forms are distributed by health stores and online suppliers. People who need to take more methionine supplements may have pancreatitis, Parkinson’s disease, HIV/Aids or liver problems. Older people and women taking birth control pills would derive benefits from taking this nutrient too.

Methionine is the essential amino acid that contains sulfur. Sulfur is a substance needed for the production of glutathione, the body’s natural antioxidant. Sulfur is needed to grow healthy skin, hair and nails. Sulfur helps the liver to produce lecithin which is necessary to reduce cholesterol level and breakdown liver fats. Methionine is also necessary to produce cysteine and taurine amino acids. These two sulfur containing amino acids helps the body build healthy tissues, maintain cardio vascular health as well as eliminate toxin build up.

Lipotropic nutrients are needed by the body to maintain a healthy liver. Methionine, choline, inostol and betaine are the natural lipotropic agents that aid the liver in processing fats. Without these lipotropic agents build up of fat and bile in the liver could block fat metabolism resulting to serious problems like cirrhosis of the liver. Methionine is considered to be the main lipotropic in humans. This essential amino acid supports liver function. If estrogen level is high, bile flow to the liver will decrease and bile cholesterol level will shoot up. To normalize liver function, Methionine deactivates estrogen. Gluthatione is the liver’s defense against toxic substances. If toxin level is high Methionione regulates glutathione supplies.

Methionine is needed by the body to produce creatine monohydrate. This compound is essential for the development of muscle and energy production. Normal production of creatine is necessary for normal and healthy performance of the heart as well as the circulatory system. Acetaminophen overdose could damage the liver. Methionine formulation would treat acetaminophen poisoning. Further, through studies conducted it was found out that this essential amino acid is effective in the treatment of urinary tract infection. Methionine prevents the growth of bacteria on walls of the urinary tract.

SAMe is a Methionine supplement that was recently made available. Research and studies conducted on this supplement showed that it has delivered favorable result in treating arthritis. Arthritic people use aspirin, ibuprofen and other non-steroidal and anti-inflamatory drugs for pain relief. SAMe is more effective than the standard pain killers at it provides immediate pain relief with lesser side effects. Unlike other pain relievers that cause gastrointestinal bleeding Methionine have protective effects not only on the stomach but also on the joints and it even repairs cartilage. Methionine is also used to treat depression.

Symptoms of methionine deficiency are fatty liver, slow growth in infants, dementia, unexplained fatigue and weakness, edema as well as lesions on the skin. People with AIDS are known to have lower levels of Methionine. Deterioration of the nervous system can cause dementia. Studies conducted have shown that Methionine improves memory recall. Low level of Methionine in pregnant women could result to neural tube defect of the fetus. Methionine supplement are used in the treatment of schizophrenia, anxiety attacks and dementia. Methionine has significant positive effects on people who suffer from chronic fatigue, insomnia and recurring muscle and joint pains.

Low level of Methionine would have detrimental effects on the body. However it should be noted that excessive intake of this amino acid would also have negative effects. It was proven that high intake of Methionine and an inadequate dosage of vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid could result to the hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis).

Last updated on Feb 12th, 2009 and filed under Nutritional Information. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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