The type of meningitis treatment that you receive from your doctor will depend on the type of meningitis that you have, your age and how widespread the infection has become. The doctor will also take into consideration your other medical issues and medications that you might be taking which could complicate your treatment.
Viral meningitis will take about two weeks to fully recover from, but you will probably begin to feel better after a few days. Visiting with the doctor is important even if you are feeling better so that bacterial meningitis can be ruled out. The treatment for a mild case of viral meningitis may only require you to stay at home, drink plenty of fluids and use medication to reduce your fever and relieve pain. The treatment may become more aggressive if you do not respond to home care.
Bacterial meningitis will require a more aggressive treatment as will more serious cases of viral meningitis. Your meningitis treatment for the bacterial type will usually require time in the hospital. The treatment includes intravenous antibiotics, but only if the meningitis is determined to be caused by bacteria and not a virus.
There may also be corticosteroid medications used to reduce the pressure that is on the brain. Your meningitis treatment will also include steps to reduce your fever with medications like Tylenol and in some cases the hospital bed may be outfitted with a cooling pad.
There may also be medications given to prevent seizures if you have been having them and you will be kept calm and quiet while you are in the hospital.
Some patients have difficulty breathing and you may be given oxygen to help you breathe while you are receiving meningitis treatment. The degree of difficulty that you are having in breathing will determine the type of method that is used to provide oxygen.
Patients who are being treated for meningitis will also be given plenty of fluids while in the hospital to prevent dehydration. The blood will be monitored to determine your progress in your meningitis treatment. There may be a need to treat the meningitis in the intensive care unit of the hospital if the condition is severe enough.
Meningitis can be a life threatening illness if it is not treated properly. When meningitis is suspected, the doctor will perform tests to determine if you are suffering from viral meningitis or bacterial meningitis so that the proper meningitis treatment can begin.
Once you recover from meningitis, it is unlikely that you will need any follow up care, but small children and older adults may be monitored to be sure that there are no long term effects from the illness or the treatment. Most patients recover within a few weeks of meningitis treatment and are suffer no ill effects from the disease.
It is important that you seek medical attention if you are suffering from any of the symptoms of meningitis. Your doctor must determine what type of meningitis you are suffering from. If you or your child are suffering from fever, confusion, stiff neck, severe headache, vomiting, and seizures, seek medical help as soon as possible.
While the symptoms of meningitis may seem mild, it is vital that you are checked by your doctor to make sure that you are not suffering from the more serious bacterial meningitis. Even serious cases of viral meningitis must be treated more aggressively as well.
Meningitis treatment may be able to be accomplished in your home, but only your doctor can make that determination. Be aware of the symptoms and get checked out before you begin your home treatment for your meningitis.
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