When people feel bad, many times they chalk it up to a bad day or a dietary imbalance. Of course, you might suffer from a vitamin or mineral deficiency, but many times people eat well enough to prevent this from happening. Another cause could be a chronic condition or disease, but again if you are getting regular checkups at the doctor’s office, these should be spotted rather quickly. One of the most common conditions that is also rarely self-diagnosed accurately, is having low testosterone.
Although testosterone is usually seen as a “male” hormone, the truth is that both males and females need it. Testosterone is a common hormone in both sexes used for muscle and bone strength and is essential to maintain high energy levels. Women produce less testosterone after menopause and often have to supplement their bodies during this time. Estrogen boosters also reduce testosterone levels in women (the same goes for men, but men rarely supplement with estrogen).
Some common low testosterone symptoms are fatigue, difficulty gaining or maintaining muscle, depression, and loss of strength. More than four million men suffer from low testosterone levels, largely in part because many either don’t seek treatment or don’t understand the condition. Low testosterone is a problem that is generally believed to occur among older men, however men in their 30’s and 40’s also suffer from low testosterone levels.
The reason that athletes take steroids, which include testosterone among other hormones, is that they help reduce body fat, improve muscle growth, and improve energy levels. A testosterone deficiency can have the opposite effect, which usually goes hand in hand with depression.
There are several factors that can contribute to low testosterone levels, but one of the first signs is a grumpy and agitated demeanor. In fact, this might be the clue as to why men seem to get this way as they age. Sure, the phrase “grumpy old man” goes hand in hand with declining health and the inability to do things we once enjoyed, but if this is the case, then the good thing is that something can be done about it.
Doctors can prescribe hormone therapy to increase the testosterone levels in your body so that you don’t have to suffer from mood swings, irritability, and a lack of energy. If you are active, then any sort of physical exercise can deplete your testosterone levels, leaving you constantly fatigued and unable to heal. If you think you have any of these symptoms, it is important that you talk to a doctor as soon as possible.
There are several supplements that act as precursors to testosterone production, and sometimes these can be used to facilitate healing without the use of prescriptions. However, I recommend that you research each and every product before you buy it to make sure that you won’t harm your body in using it. Last but not least, you can ask your doctor for a blood test, where you can find out for certain if you suffer from low testosterone. A blood test is quick and easy and you can usually have your results back within a few days. Sometimes, a doctor can give you an on the spot reading so that you can start hormone therapy immediately.
Low testosterone is nothing to be ashamed of and happens to more men and women than you think. Although it is believed that over 95% of people affected do not come forward, that doesn’t mean you can’t do the right thing and get help. Feeling better is worth it and you can never be too sure with matters of your own health.
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The best solution for this is to reduce foods that contain estrogen, in particular soy and to consume tribulus also known as Gokshura. It’s an ayurvedic herb known to increase testosterone naturally. You can also take estrogen blockers such as Indole 3 Carbinol which is from Broccoli which will reduce estrogen.
Like you say here, the first step is to take the time to go and get a hormone test. Too often men simply hate going to the doctor, so they sacrifice their quality of life by just ignoring it. It’s amazing the difference when you get your hormone levels under control!