Individual vision plans

Individual vision insurance plans pay for routine eye exams, contact lenses and glasses. These plans are specific insurance policies that are tailored to take care of some of the medical expenses for the eyes only. Individual vision plans are extremely beneficial for people who have poor eye sight and who would otherwise have to spend hundreds of dollars each year on eye care.

People can obtain group vision plans through their employer and government programs like Medicaid, etc. Individual vision plans are purchased separately by the individual. If you want to purchase such a policy you will have various insurance providers to choose from. If you are self employed or your company does not offer vision insurance plans you’ll want to be sure to get an individual vision insurance plan for yourself. These types of policies are usually a value added benefit that you can buy to supplement your regular health care insurance policy.

You can get individual vision plans with Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) or through Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs). With an HMO vision care plan you will be obligated to go to a select group of eye doctors. These types of individual vision plans are more affordable than the PPO vision plans. People like HMO vision plans but they do not like how they restrict you to a select group of eye care doctors. The PPO type of individual vision plan allows you to go to a larger selection of doctors and is less restrictive. Normally there is a higher co pay with the PPO type of vision care plan. Most people do not mind pay a little more for the co pay since they can go to the eye doctor of their choice.

Individual vision plans will pay for a large share of the exam bill when you go in for eye exams with an ophthalmologist and for the optometrist fees. When you choose a vision a PPO vision plan you will be free to choose where you go to get your eye glass prescriptions filled. If you choose an HMO vision plan you will have to buy your eyeglass lenses and frames from the eyewear store that your insurance is affiliated with. Individual vision insurance plans do not normally cover things like eye diseases and eye injuries or cataract surgery. Of course, the total coverage you can get from individual vision plans can be adjusted to your needs, depending on what the provider offers.

Individual vision plans all have various deductible rates. Anyone who wears glasses or contacts needs to go in for periodic eye exams. This is to make sure prescription lenses are up to date and to determine if any changes to your vision has occurred since you got your last eye glass prescription. The cost for these services can quickly add up. If you notice any changes in your vision you should go in for an eye exam. Not having your own vision care plan can sometimes result in putting off getting the necessary eye care that you need to safeguard your eyesight. As one ages it is even more important to get regular eye exams even if you have never done so in your younger years. If your employer does not offer a value added vision plan don’t hesitate to find out more about individual vision plans. These plans are surprisingly inexpensive to get. Some plans are as little as $10 to $15 a month for one individual. There are all kinds of vision care plans that are easy to find and that are available online. You can do a quick google search for them and compare prices and plans to get the best value for your premiums.

Last updated on Mar 4th, 2011 and filed under Health Insurance. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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