It is important to know that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in men is more common than realized by the general public. Most of the information that you can find on it these days is in regards to HPV in women. However, it is estimated that one half of all the men that are sexually active in the United States can be infected with the Human Papilloma virus at some point during their lifetime. It is very important for men to become familiar with the HPV symptoms in men. There are at least 30 different high risk types of HPV in men that can cancer of the penis or anus in men who already have an unhealthy or compromised immune system such being infected with HIV. HPV symptoms in men rarely lead to the development of these cancers though. Still, about 1200 to 2000 men a year are being diagnosed with these cancers thought to be caused by HPV. This is one of the reasons why HPV symptoms in men should be known by men. At the very least, HPV will cause genital warts in men.
HPV is a common sexually transmitted virus that affects both sexes. This virus is spread through sexual contact with another person who has HPV. The use of condoms can offer some protection, but condoms are not 100% effective at preventing HPV. Some men who get HPV never experience any symptoms while others do develop genital warts soon after exposure to the virus.
When HPV symptoms in men begin to be noticed it is usually in the form of genital warts. Genital warts will be on the penis, testicles, groin area, anus and thighs. They may appear as raised, flat or cauliflower-shaped warts. These warts are usually painless and will begin to be noticed within about 3 weeks after sexual contact with someone who has HPV. In some cases the warts may appear years later. HPV symptoms in men usually go away on their own and do not cause any health problems.
Signs of HPV symptoms in men that may signal anal cancer include anal bleeding along with itching and pain. There may also be a discharge from the anus. Men who contract anal cancer after they have symptoms of HPV in men will notice changes in the bowel and stool shape. The lymph nodes in the groin and anal area will also become swollen and painful. Various doctors urge the use of anal PAP testing for bisexual and gay men who may be at a higher risk for anal cancer associated attributed to HPV. Anal cells can be collected and examined for abnormalities so that this kind of cancer can be caught early.
When HPV symptoms in men are signaling penile cancer the man will notice a build up of the tissue on the penis. Changes in the color of the skin may also be noticed. Later on, men with penile cancer caused by HPV will develop a painful growth or sore on the penis that will bleed. These are late cancer stage symptoms of penile cancer. Early penile cancer symptoms are usually unnoticeable.
As soon as men notice they have genital warts they should recognize these as HPV symptoms in men. A doctor should be seen when genital warts develop for advice. The warts can be frozen like other warts to remove them or they can be surgically removed. However, most doctors choose not treat genital warts as these warts typically go away on their own. Unless the warts are infected they are usually left to heal on their own. The bottom line is that genital warts are the first HPV symptoms in men and men should be aware that they can pass this virus on to other people they may come in sexual contact with.
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