Although there are many ways to prevent heart disease, there are also several health patterns that can increase someone’s risk. In the past, heart disease was the number one killer of adults over the age of 50, but thanks to medical research and people taking better care of themselves, heart disease is less deadly than it used to be. As for heart attacks, they are caused by blood clots in the arteries that provide blood to the heart. This happens most often in a coronary artery and if left untreated, can be fatal.
Some common symptoms of a heart attack are:
Oddly enough, women experience symptoms in a less severe manner and have their own set of heart attack symptoms, such as clammy or cold skin, heartburn, dizziness, and fatigue.
In all cases there is a chance that the person might not have any symptoms at all, but that does not make the situation less severe. Regardless of the symptoms or severity of said symptoms, a medical unit or paramedic should be called immediately.
Heart attack prevention relies on a variety of lifestyle changes, such as giving up smoking and/or heavy drinking. Since both of these habits cause high blood pressure and raise bad cholesterol levels, quitting is one of the most important changes you can make for heart attack prevention.
Getting moderate exercise can also be of great help. Getting fifteen to thirty minutes of exercise, 3 or more times per week, can reduce blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. It also exercises the heart and helps the circulatory and cardiovascular systems to become more efficient. As the heart continues to gain strength, it needs to beat less in order to pump blood to your body. This will cause an overall improvement in health that is crucial for heart attack prevention.
Lastly, if you are worried that you might be at risk for heart disease, then you need to monitor your diet. Giving up fatty foods, red meats, and fried foods, are sure ways to improve your health and reduce your risk. At the same time, increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet is important. Fruits and vegetables contain a wide variety of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and vitamins that have been shown to reduce the risk for not only heart attacks, but all forms of heart disease.
With regard to supplements, you can try taking a fish oil or omega 3 fatty acid supplement to help your body pump out the bad cholesterol and build up the good cholesterol. Drinking green tea or pomegranate juice will provide you with antioxidants that will help your immune system. If necessary, you can see your doctor to receive prescription medication, but this is only recommended if no other option has worked for you. Heart attack prevention is important for both men and women, especially those fifty years or older.
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I would highly recommend using Proleva for hearth attack prevention. You only have to take two pills per day to get the fighting antioxidants for your health. Proleva is a very powerful antioxidant supplement. It boosts energy, defends against illness, hearth attack, and much more. Proleva has 8 powerful antioxidants which are are goji berries, green tea extract, origanum vulgare, pomegranates, noni, resveratrol, acai, and mangosteen. Each of these ingredients targets and benefits a certain part or function of your body. The most direct benefits are anti-aging, healthier heart, increased energy, strengthened immune system, improved memory, and defends against free radicals.