Goat milk powder…hmm…probably doesn’t sound like the most appetizing thing, does it? Well, some people are actually quite fond of it. It makes a very well-rounded nutritious drink, but also has other beneficial qualities. Maybe you should consider these additional traits before totally bashing on goat’s milk because you may very well be pleasantly shocked. Goat’s milk powder is good for more than just making a glass of, well, milk, but read on to find out what else you can do with it!
Nutrition of Goat’s Milk
Nutritiously speaking, goat’s milk has an excellent profile. Compared to cow’s milk, many brands of goat milk have higher amounts of calcium, vitamin A, some B vitamins, and potassium. It can be a great alternative for infants who aren’t breastfed because goat’s milk is very similar to breast milk. Breast milk is magically produced inside a mother to provide the exact ingredients that a growing infant needs; the fact that goat’s milk can provide these nutrients is great for mothers who have trouble nursing or just don’t desire to do so for other reasons. Before choosing goat’s milk as a breast-feeding or formula alternative, talk with your healthcare provider to find out exactly how much you should be giving the little one. Giving an infant goat’s milk at too young of an age can lead to negative problems because of the high levels of certain nutrients; that is another reason why you should talk with your pediatrician or healthcare provider. Not only is goat’s milk ideal for infants, but toddlers, children, adolescents, and adults can benefit from its nutritional properties, too.
Safety of Goat’s Milk
You can find goat’s milk pasteurized, just as you would find cow’s milk. It is up to you whether or not you want to buy it this way, although it is probably safer to do so.
Cooking with Goat’s Milk
You can use goat’s milk and cow’s milk interchangeably in the diet and in cooking and baking. It really just depends on your taste preference. You don’t have to modify the recipe in any other way; just replace the cow’s milk with goat’s milk if you prefer.
Powdered Goat’s Milk
There are different forms of goat’s milk: fresh, powdered, and frozen. Typically, as a consumer, you would buy fresh or powdered. Either can be bought in a grocery store or supermarket. Fresh milk wouldn’t last as long as the powdered kind after being opened because it will spoil quicker than the powdered goat’s milk. To make the powdered goat’s milk, you just add the powder to water. You can also add the powdered goat’s milk to smoothies and use it for cereals or as an “extra” in your morning coffee!
Veterinary Use of Goat’s Milk
Powdered goat’s milk can also be used in animals that need an extra boost of nutrients, like puppies or older dogs. Talk with a veterinarian to find the exact dosing information.
Other Uses of Goat’s Milk
This may come as a shock to you, but goat’s milk is often added to soaps, lotions, and creams because of its natural moisturizing properties. It contains significant amounts of protein, fats, beta-casein (an important protein), and vitamins A, B6, B12, and E, which all work together to help nourish and moisturize the skin. Goat’s milk also contains many of the essential amino acids that the body needs on a daily basis because it cannot make them on its own. If you choose to make your own hand soap or lotion at home, consider adding powdered goat’s milk to the small list of ingredients and you will undoubtedly be impressed.
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