Ginkgo biloba benefits

Ginkgo Biloba is a tree that is native to China. The herbal extract called Ginkgo Biloba is made from the leaves of the Ginkgo tree. It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries in eastern cultures and is thought to help the circulatory system the most.

For the last 30 years, clinical research in the west has been documenting Ginkgo Biloba benefits. Statistics gathered from the research shows that Ginkgo Biloba benefits the heart and vascular system for one. It will help the blood flow more efficiently so that more oxygen can be sent to vital internal organs.

Ginkgo biloba also benefits smaller capillaries and will improve the blood circulation in the brain. Improved circulation in the brain can help memory retention, neurotransmitters in the brain and metabolic efficiency. The clinical research has also revealed that the human brain utilizes about 20% of the available oxygen in the body. When the oxygen levels drop in the body most people become dizzy, have difficulty concentrating and experience a marked amount of memory loss. The brain simply must have enough oxygen for it to function properly. The brain regulates other organs in the body so you can see that making sure your brain gets enough oxygen is vital to good health.

Since memory loss is a very real and tragic consequence of Alzheimer’s disease, it is helpful to know that Ginkgo Biloba benefits this disease. In a documented experiment, Ginkgo Biloba was given to moderate Alzheimer’s patients. They were given 240mg Ginkgo Biloba extract and their attention and memory improved radically while taking the extract. The study lasted up to a year long. It was also found that at 120 mg, the extract could benefit and improve social functioning as well.

Ginkgo Biloba benefits platelet activity factor (PAF). When there is too much platelet activity the body can become physically stressed. Skin disorders can develop as well as heart problems and hearing disorders. In fact, if you are experiencing hearing loss or you are experiencing tinnitus, Gingko Biloba can help that condition. Tinnitus is a constant ringing noise in the ears.

Ginkgo Biloba benefits the body and acts as an antioxidant too. Antioxidants are important because they can minimize free radical damage. Antioxidants are known to play an important part in protecting heart health and the entire circulatory system. Part of our circulatory system includes the blood vessels in our eyes. So it is only natural to learn that Ginko Biloba also benefits our vision and can help reduce or control retinal deterioration.

To get the maximum Ginkgo Biloba benefit, certain antidepressants should not be taken at the same time as Ginkgo Biloba. Another precaution that people taking Gingko Biloba should know about is not to take it if you are on blood thinners. It can thin the blood too much if combined with other blood thinners. If you have pain when walking because you have blocked arteries, Ginkgo Biloba benefits this condition also since it involves the circulatory system. Before you take this herb or any other herb, you should first consult with your doctor if you are already taking prescription medicines for any condition. Once you get the go ahead from your doctor to take Ginkgo Biloba, it may take up to four weeks before you see any of the mentioned Ginkgo Biloba benefits. There are very few side effects, but there are a few. Many people decide that the Ginkgo Biloba benefits far outweigh rare side effects which can be headache, skin rashes, dizziness and various menstrual problems.

Look for Ginkgo Biloba on various websites online. You can also find out more about Ginkgo Biloba benefits online or by asking an educated herbalist.

Last updated on Oct 21st, 2009 and filed under Nutritional Information. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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