Gallbladder attack symptoms

Gallbladder is a muscle around the abdominal area of a human body which releases bile juice into the intestine when it contracts. Now, most people have gone through abdominal pain at some points of their lives, and the precarious moments of excruciating pain is exactly how a typical gallbladder symptoms attack.

One might be ignoring gallstones, polyps or even cancer; however these are few of the problems that develop within the gallbladder. The simple and seemingly general sharp pain that has been ignored for many a times can turn out to be one’s nightmare, if proper diagnosis and treatment is not administered. Most people may not even be aware of a gallstone, since 80% of the time it’s asymptomatic in nature, however, careful observation in daily life can help identify related disorders in advance. A gallbladder attack generally takes the form of a sharp pain in the upper right abdominal area, but need not to necessarily be due to a gallstone, since it can also emerge to be a biliary problem.

Before writing down the symptoms of such gallbladder attacks, it is important to identify the root causes of such attacks. What basically happens is the formation of a stone like substance called the gallstone. These gallstones usually form due to excessive cholesterol intake and also due to the hormone named estrogen; the latter being very common in pregnant women. Once the gallstone is formed, it can be silent, meaning it will remain unnoticed (may be for the rest of the life) or it can upset the gallbladder by blocking the flow of bile. The remaining bile then becomes stronger or more concentrated, which in turn irritates the bladder walls resulting in severe inflammation. Gallstones can also be an obstruction to the flow of bile from the liver to the small intestine causing instances of strong pain.

The gallbladder attacks typically come with various symptoms. The mentioned symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that the problem is due to gallstones, but it will work as a handy guide if more of these symptoms are present when the patient is experiencing a gallbladder attack. Couple of quick solution is written down so as to minimize the pain before consulting the doctor. It is very important to remember that, if the pain is being accompanied by fever, professional help must be sought upon immediately.

The symptoms include:

  • Moderate to severe pain under the right side or the mid-section of the rib cage (Presence of stones in the bile duct region will lead to such pain, it can also be the inflammation mentioned earlier.)
  • Nausea, vomiting and gas may be observed
  • Burping or belching
  • Severe upper abdominal pain
  • Pain radiating, back or to the right shoulder
  • Strong pain after eating a heavy meal
  • Deep inhalation causing increasing intensity in pain
  • Attacks last for as short as 15 minute to more than 12 hours
  • Indigestion
  • Clay-colored stool
  • Jaundice – yellowish eyes
  • Pain between shoulder blades

The following describes two quick and easy ways how the symptoms can be alleviated once they start to appear. It must be noted that these are mere generic advices, and there is NO alternative to professional medical care for serious cases of Gallbladder attacks. They are:

  • Resting the back against a high backed chair, in a sitting position. Then slowly raising the arms, while sitting in a straight position against the chair and gently leaning backwards. The same position should be retained, until eventually the pain reduces.
  • Lying on a bed, with the left side of the body resting over the top of a pillow, until pain slowly reduces.
Last updated on Sep 7th, 2010 and filed under Digestive Health. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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