The gallbladder has ducts that can develop small crystals made from cholesterol or salt deposits in bile that harden. These crystals are called gallstones. Gallstones can block essential digestive bile, produced by the gallbladder, from reaching the small intestines. Very tiny gallstones are usually harmless but they can grow large enough to cause symptoms with indigestion as well as pain and bloating that is common gastrointestinal ailments. Pain in your middle back, between shoulder blades or behind them can be a symptom of gallstones. Gallstones can also cause nausea, vomiting, gas and extreme pain in the upper abdomen. Gallstones can even signal the presence of diabetes, Crohn’s disease and sickle cell anemia. If you are experiencing symptoms of gallstones it is important to get a medical evaluation for a correct diagnosis. A severe case of gallstones usually requires surgery to remove them. In fact, each year more than 500,000 Americans have to undergo gallstone surgery. Large gallstones can also cause infections and instructions in the pancreas and liver.
When gallstones become big enough they can block bile from being released into the small intestines which is needed to digest fatty foods. Fatty foods are the most important foods to avoid for gallstones. Foods that are low in fiber should also be foods to avoid for gallstones. Foods high in animal fat and that are low in fiber can inhibit the liver from absorbing bile acids from the gallbladder. This in turn can create a condition in which gallstones form. Avoiding high fat foods and low fiber foods is essential.
Other foods to avoid for gallstones include whole milk dairy products, because of the high animal fat content. Butter should be avoided for the same reason. Butter and foods high in sugary simple carbohydrates like, candy, cakes and ice cream should be avoided. Hydrogenated oils, as in margarines or shortening and hydrogenated peanut butter, should be avoided. Even fatty kinds of nuts should not be eaten when you have gallstones. Other foods to avoid for gallstones are artificial sweeteners, eggs, mayonnaise, alcohol, caffeine and carbonated sodas and other carbonated beverages. Eating foods with additives and food coloring should also be avoided. You should never eat pork of any kind or red meat when you have gallstones as these foods can trigger a gallbladder attack.
When cooking foods for someone who has gallstones you should always bake, boil or broil the food. Foods can also be cooked in the microwave. Never fry foods as a way of cooking for someone who has gallstones. The fats and oils used in preparing fried foods can trigger a gallbladder attack. In the past, poor diets and bad food preparations have caused more and more people to develop gallstones and gallbladder problems. According to the medical profession, the only cure for gallstones is surgery. Surgery can be very costly but prevented if you choose avoid eating the above foods for gallstones.
Instead of eating the foods that should be avoided for gallstones you should eat a diet high in fiber and low in fat. Being diligent to improve your diet and avoiding the bad foods for gallstones can prevent painful gallbladder attacks. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, lemons, strawberries, watermelon, carrots, beets, spinach, broccoli, etc. By being careful not to add fat when preparing these foods and you can live without gallstone pain. You should also avoid eating fatty fish. Instead choose lean fish, chicken and turkey. Remove the skin for chicken and turkey as the skin is too fatty. Brown rice, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. are good to include in the permissible foods for gallstones as well. If you are not sure about certain foods to avoid for gallstones you can consult with a qualified nutritionist who can help develop a good diet for people who have gallstones.
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