FDA approved diet pills

In the United States, more and more people are becoming morbidly obese. In an effort to help these people reduce their body weight and improve their health, the FDA approved diet pills for sale to people who need to lose weight in the past and is still approving new ones as they are produced. A lot of overweight people are not able to lose the extra weight on their own without the aid of these FDA approved diet pills.

The list of FDA approved diet pills has grown over the years. Today, there are several new diet pills on the market but not all are approved by the FDA. The new diet pills come in various formulas that can block carbohydrates from being absorbed by the body. These types of FDA approved diet pills are called carb blockers. There are other types of diet pills on the market that are fat blockers as well. The fat blockers prevent dietary fat from being absorbed by the body. Both types of diet pills will cause the blocked carbohydrates and dietary fat to pass on through via the body’s elimination process.

Some diet pills which were considered to be safe eventually prove to be harmful. One example is Ephedra. The FDA warns dieters that products containing Ephedra have proven to be unsafe because of some now well known negative side effects and health problems associated with the usage of it.

Not all diet pills on the market that have not been approved by the FDA are unsafe either. There are some all natural diet pills that are completely safe and have no negative side effects. For example, Hoodia Gordonii is not on the list of FDA approved diet pills, but it is a safe product for people to take.

For a product to be approved by the FDA, it has to go through a lot of testing for it to be verified as a safe drug to take as a diet aid. FDA approved diet pills have gone through this testing that can take many years to complete.

Xenical is on the list of FDA approved diet pills. It works by preventing dietary fat from being absorbed via inhibiting gastric and pancreatic lipases. To get Xenical you need to get a doctor prescription for it and remain under his or her care while taking these FDA approved diet pills. You should also reduce your consumption of fatty foods.

Alli is also on the FDA approved diet pills list. Alli can be bought over the counter and does not need to be prescribed. Alli will block a percentage of the dietary fat in your diet from being absorbed by the body. When people take Alli, they also need to reduce the amount of dietary fat that they consume on a daily basis because the product will not block all dietary fat, only a certain percentage of it. These diet pills do have some negative side effects that many people can not tolerate. One of the most unpleasant side effects of Alli is that you can suddenly get diarrhea when taking it.

Meridia is also on the FDA approved diet pills list. These are powerful pills that can alter your chemistry so that you feel full even when you are not. Meridia also suppresses feelings of thirst as well. Other unwanted side effects can be constipation, insomnia, high blood pressure and headaches. You need a doctor prescription for Meridia as well.

Before you start taking and of the FDA approved diet pills you should consult your doctor first. Certain health conditions can constrain you from taking diet pills.

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Last updated on Nov 26th, 2009 and filed under Drugs and Medications. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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