Dyslexia is considered a learning disability. It causes a person to have difficulties reading, writing and spelling. Occasionally a person affected with Dyslexia can suffer from speech problems as well. Dyslexia is commonly found in children who have trouble learning how to read and write appropriately. The condition may go undiagnosed for the first couple years of schooling and teachers and parents may assume the child just has little interest in learning how to read or has problems focusing on their work. However, the sooner the condition is discovered, diagnosed and treated the better chances the child will have from getting behind in school and from developing self esteem issues as well.
Dyslexia has commonly been mistaken for mental retardation or vision impairment. Neither of these are the case at all. Dyslexia is in fact caused by a problem with the brain being unable to translate the images that are received from the eyes or ears into language that makes sense. This can be mild or severe and has nothing to do with the intelligence of a person.
Some of the most typical signs of dyslexia in children consist of writing numbers and letters backwards or upside down. Children may have a hard time copying words out of a book or from the classroom blackboard. A noticeable unorganized appearance in their writing may be a significant sign seen by teachers in a classroom setting. Difficultly distinguishing between left and right is also a common symptom of dyslexia.
There are a few different types of dyslexia that a person may suffer from. While some have to do with processing visual information, sometimes dyslexia can interfere with auditory functioning as well. When a child has a form of dyslexia that causes auditory problems they can show different symptoms. Often they have a hard time remembering what they have been told and repeating information back. Children may use words that have the wrong meaning or use them in the wrong way. Words may also come out with the wrong pronunciation or sound similar to the word that is supposed to be used. They may also have problems with keeping rhythm while listening to music or remembering song lyrics.
Some other signs may have to do more with social interaction but are equally important in the diagnosing process. Children with dyslexia may feel embarrassed by their inadequacies and become more secluded. They may not want to participate in activities with other children for fear of not being able to get it right. These children may appear unmotivated or depressed. Most of the time a child does not understand why he or she is unable to learn like the other children. They can feel constant pressure to perform to higher standards and feel that they are always failing. This can cause strain on friendships and within a family, especially between siblings if one sibling is always doing well academically and another is not.
Unfortunately, once a person has been diagnosed with dyslexia it is not something that will just go away. If you notice your child has a hard time accomplishing his or her work at school or shows an inability to read or learn the basic concepts of reading or writing then you should have your child evaluated by a medical professional that knows about the condition. It is very important for the parent and teachers to have open communication regarding their child’s work and behavior in the school setting. Although there are several treatments and therapies that a person with dyslexia can benefit from there is no actual cure for dyslexia. However, the sooner a person can start the treatments and therapies for their dyslexia the better off they will be.
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Most dyslexia problems can be thought of as auditory and language processing problems. There is a visual component for some dyslexics and the visual component may be the primary problem for a small minority. The good news is that all of the visual dyslexia problems can be removed by See Right Dyslexia Glasses available at http://www.dyslexiaglasses,com. The bad news is that the more common dyslexia problems require a great deal of time and effort to learn to compensate and depending on your location can vary from free to very expensive.