Hearing loss can affect people of all ages and can be either permanent or temporary. When sound does not reach from the outer ear to the inner ear, hearing problems occur – which in medical terms are generally known as conductive hearing loss. Most of the time, sufferers of this problem can only hear sounds partially, and there is an overall reduction in the sound level. Nowadays, there are various conductive hearing loss treatments available. By medical and surgical procedures, conductive hearing loss can be cured.
There are a great many causes of conductive hearing loss. One of the reasons of hearing loss is the result of accumulation of fluid inside the ear. The ear may get filled with water due to conditions like tumors or ear infections, which in turn will block the Eustachian tube and drain the middle ear. During otosclerosis, the ossicles of the middle ear harden and become less capable of vibration, which may result in conductive hearing loss.
There are treatments for both temporary and permanent deafness. It is highly necessary to first consult a doctor before taking any kind of treatment. Only a doctor can tell with surety what the reason behind a person’s hearing loss is. If there is an ear infection, it can be treated with antibiotics. Besides, surgery can repair eardrums and remove fluid from the ears. People who have damaged middle ears can also hear properly after surgery.
One of the main treatments of hearing loss is hearing devices. The hearing devices prescribed can vary from person to person, and the choice depends on the condition of the person. Therefore, it should be made sure that the hearing aid chosen is appropriate for a given person. Besides, regular checkups are required. Another popular device which deaf people can use is the amplifier. During watching television, a person can clearly hear the sound of the programs with very little interference from background noise.
Lately, implants have become very popular as another alternative solution. It is actually a small electronic device which helps deaf people to hear sounds more accurately. Through surgery, implants are fitted behind the ears. These implants consist of four parts, which are a microphone, a speech processor, a transmitter and an electrode. A microscope detects any sound from the environment, and the speech processor helps to select and properly arrange this sound. This speech process then sends signals to the transmitter, which converts them into electric pulses. The electrode then collects these electric pulses and sends to the different parts of the auditory nerve. Implants differ a lot from hearing aids because, unlike hearing aids, which amplify the sounds for deaf people, implants directly target the auditory nerve.
Some people like being independent and therefore they master sign language and speech reading. Others acquire hearing dogs which are highly trained and can alert people when they need to do important things. It is also important to gain the support of friends and family. Deaf people can understand what others are seeing by looking at their facial expressions if the people speak clearly. However, living with a partner is extremely important for people suffering from conductive hearing loss. Although treatments might treat or completely alleviate the issues involved, social support is one of the most important attributes that must be ensured.
Although conductive hearing loss can be painful for people, strong perseverance and willpower combine with social support might result in a complete cure. Additionally, nowadays there are several concrete conductive hearing loss treatments available. Depending on the condition of a person, only a doctor can recommend the best course of treatment.
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