Chronic pain treatment

There are some people living with pain so unbearable that you would have a hard time imagining what it feels like. Some of these people spend every single day of their lives in agony, without any hope for a cure. Most of us can find relief in over the counter pain medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, but for chronic pain sufferers this is rarely, if ever, enough to stop the pain. The problem with having chronic pain is that no one else can really understand what you are going through. Although most people have suffered through muscle aches, headaches, or worse, the majority of the people in the world don’t know what it would feel like to have pain every single day of your life. In this article, I’d like to discuss the issue of chronic pain and identify where you can go if you are one of the people with the misfortune of suffering through it.

Chronic pain is generally referred to as pain that endures longer than your typical body ache or any other form of acute pain. Acute pain is generally short lasting and resembles minor aches and pains associated with muscle cramps, soreness, injury, or surgery. Chronic pain is much longer lasting, usually a few weeks to a month at a minimum and often lasting for much longer. There are some studies that suggest chronic pain as being the result of nerve receptors that are either malfunctioning or being improperly stimulated.

In order to treat chronic pain, a doctor must first identify if the problem is a nerve issue or an underlying medical issue. If the issue is nerves, then the doctor must examine why the pain receptors are being triggered. This could include pain or touch therapy to identify weaknesses in nerve impulses. If the problem is an underlying medical condition, such as a nerve disease, then the doctor will need to do further tests in order to discern the underlying condition. You might have to go through a variety of tests to receive a proper diagnosis, but in the end you will be much closer to finding a cure than you were before.

Lastly, if the doctor simply cannot reach a diagnosis, then he will begin a 3 stage treatment using a variety of medications to help you overcome the pain. The lowest class of medications is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as Ibuprofen. If this does not work, they will move to the 2nd tier of pain therapy. The 2nd class of drugs is a mix of NSAID’s and opiates or Hydrocodone. These are stronger than a typical NSAID, but they also have the pain numbing effects of a stronger class of medication. In the event that your body becomes used to these medications or they simply aren’t strong enough, then your doctor will move to pure opiates in a final effort to cure your pain. This class contains very strong drugs that can have a variety of side effects, so it is important to only take them when necessary. Drugs in this class include morphine and Oxycodone, which must be taken with a prescription and under the guidance of a doctor. You might receive pills or pain patches, either of which will work.

Chronic pain is very uncomfortable, can cause problems with focus and concentration, and can eventually lead to a live unfulfilled. Make sure that you see a doctor if you have any of these symptoms so that you can receive an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment immediately. Although you can try to self-medicate, you are much better off in the care of a doctor. Over time, your condition will become manageable and you can continue with your life.

Last updated on Apr 28th, 2009 and filed under Neurological Disorders. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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