Calcium undecylenate

Calcium contributes to 1.5% of the weight in the human body. The bones and the teeth consist of most of the calcium in the body, with only very little existing in the fluids of the body. The latter property of its, is what transports it to recovering sites which require calcium. Upon reaching the sites, other than the pivotal contributions to the development of bone growth, calcium also helps by playing a role in nerve transmission, glandular secretion, respiration and many other processes which are associated with the recovery of affected tissue.

Most of the body’s calcium requirements can be fulfilled by dairy products, eggs, vegetables such as broccoli, collard greens sardines and tofu, especially sardine bones. However the absorption of calcium by the body is also determined by the age of the patient, the condition of the patient, as well as the diet. The reaction of the body to the calcium absorbed also varies. Thus, while many can do without them, others need calcium supplements.

One such supplement, the undecylenate of calcium is used to treat fungal infections mostly. The carbon chain of this compound contains 11 carbons and is a monosaturated fatty acid. This property of its, enhances its anti-fungal properties because as the length of the chain enlarges, so does the effectiveness against fungal infections. 11 is considered as the peak and the optimal length, because when the carbon chain exceeds this limit, the solubility of the compound becomes a limiting factor. While the undecylenic acid prevents the growth of the infection, the calcium helps with the recovery of the body.

One such case is a candida infection, a multi-symptomal disease that often exists by imitating the symptoms of other illnesses. This is usually vaginal or gastrointestinal, and sometimes, both at a time as a cause-consequence scenario, as proven by some studies. Calcium Undecylenate operates as an anti-fungal compound by restricting the potential of the yeast form candida into developing into the virulent or fungal mycelia phase, and operates as a growth support by the properties of calcium. Infestations of oral thrush can also be treated using calcium udnecylenate. Calcium undecylenate in the denture liners prevent the conversion of dental yeast into its harmful hyphal form which can cause infection.

The reasoning behind this particular feature can be accounted for by the fact that the biosynthesis of fatty acids can intrude upon the formation of the germ tube, also hyphae, thereby inhibiting infection.  The pH of the cell cytoplasm is also imbalanced because these medium length carbon chains operate as carriers of protons.

These particular properties of the supplement calcium undecylenate accommodates for it to be used as an ingredient in topical and over-the-counter compositions that are anti-fungal. This can exist both in the form of fine white powders and ointments. The undecylenic acid is derived via the vacuum distillation of castor bean oil. One of the main diseases it helps fight against is the athlete’s foot. In most calcium undecylenates, free undecylenic acid (which can be detrimental to health) exists as no more than 0.10%.

For those who cannot seem to cope up with their condition even with supplements of calcium undecylenate, certain other compounds can be ingested as well. Vitamin D is one such compound which can help with the absorption of calcium undecylenate especially if the infection exists in the intestine. If the patient is also conducting the intake of fluoroquinolones, biphosphonates, levothyroxine, tetracyclines or sotalol, the calcium intake must be scheduled a time different to these, because these decrease the absorption rate of calcium. The usage of Thiazide diuretics reduces the excretion of calcium.

The side-effects of calcium undecylenates include some gastrointestinal disturbances such as constipation and gas. If the patient ingests this compound at higher than the optimal doses of 12 gm per day will result in milk-alkali syndrome, hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis, renal insufficiency etc. Some have produced complaints regarding the odor and the taste.

Last updated on Jul 30th, 2011 and filed under Nutritional Information. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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