Black cohosh is a popular native herb that is sold in the United States as a dietary supplement. It is very popular and beneficial for women who are seeking relief from symptoms of menopause. Those who practice in the field of alternative medicine use black cohosh to help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes that many women experience during menopause. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has also stated that black cohosh can be helpful for women who are experiencing vasomotor symptoms of menopause. Some gynecologists will even suggest that women begin taking black cohosh when they are going through menopause.
The scientific names for black cohosh are Actaea racemosa and Cimicifuga racemosa. It also has several other common names that can include black snakeroot, rattleroot, rattleweed, macrotys and bugbane. This herb is a perennial plant that is a member of the Buttercup family and is native to North America. It can grow up to eight feet in height and the plant has a delicate white flower. The herb has been used by American Indian for hundreds of years to treat all kinds of illnesses including coughs and ringing in the ears as well as other ailments. Black cohosh has been prescribed by doctors in the past to treat various illnesses including smallpox and rheumatism. However, it is only the root of this herb that has medicinal properties. The Latin name for black coolers translates to the words ‘drive away’ suggesting that it can be used as an insect repellent.
Black cohosh is also good to help relieve menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms. It helps to balance out the female hormones. This herb should not be used by pregnant or nursing women. The herb can cause nausea and vomiting if taken in large doses. Black cohosh has also been helpful in treating depression that goes along with menopause. The herb has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve muscular aches and pains as well.
Black cohosh has recently begun to be used by many women as a popular hormone replacement therapy {HRT} because it has estrogen like qualities and can balance the number hormones. The reason why women like to use his herb as an alternative hormone replacement therapy is because it does not have all of the negative side effects that synthetic hormones have. Synthetic HRT has been shown to cause breast cancer in many women. However, the major drawback in using this herb as an HRT is that it does not protect the heart like synthetic hormones do and it does not prevent osteoporosis. These two conditions are normally associated with menopause.
This herb is commonly mixed with other herbs like valerian skullcap, chaste tree berry, passion flower and wild yam. You can find many products containing black cohosh in your local health food stores or wherever sell vitamins and minerals are sold. Black cohosh is also available from many websites online. Naturopathic practitioners and alternative medical healers may also sell black cohosh.
Most women do not report any negative side effects when taking black cohosh. However, some medical doctors are now suspecting that black cohosh can cause serious liver problems. Women who are taking this herb should ideally be under the supervision of a medical professional or an herbalist. Menstruating women should not take his herb while menstruating because it can increase bleeding. Sometimes it can also cause women to have low blood pressure and some women report they have headaches or become constipated while taking herb. If you are taking any prescription medication you should also consult with your medical doctor before you begin taking black cohosh. This herb can also interfere with certain medications so it is always best to give advice your doctor before you start taking black cohosh.
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