Bifocal contact lenses

Close your eyes, and think to yourself – through what means do you enjoy the joys of life the most? If you do, there is a very good chance that you have already discovered the answer. Your eyes. The power of sight is one of the greatest gifts given to us, and its impact on our lives is staggering. There is a proverb which says ‘An image is worth a thousand words’, and everything we set our eyes upon seem to take that statement further and further

Vision is an important part of our everyday lives. When people face problems with seeing things which are close to them, they are said to be suffering from presbyopia. Nowadays thousands of people are moving from spectacles to contact lenses. People suffering from presbyopia use contact lenses to see things better from near and far. Bifocal contact lenses have two different types of power in each contact lens and are available both in soft and rigid forms. They are also known as multifocal lenses in some circles.

People aged from 40 to 45 mainly use bifocal contact lenses. However, sometimes children use them too. Many children have trouble with their vision and they can see better by using bifocal contact lenses. However, as time passes, most of the children outgrow bifocal contact lenses. Bifocal contact lenses can be of different sizes. Depending on the use of the contact lenses, the size of the frame, and the prescription, this can vary from people to people. Bifocal contact lenses have two functions. One is for seeing distant objects using the upper half of the lens and the other is for seeing close things using the lower half.

Different bifocal contact lenses works in different ways, which vary according to the design of particular lenses. There are two different types of bifocal lenses, which are alternating vision lenses and simultaneous vision lenses. The naming of Alternating vision lenses originate from their ability to adjust power between the two pupils of the eye as they move in different directions, either up or down. On the other hand, simultaneous vision lenses help to see both distant and close objects simultaneously. Although this may seem unrealistic, the lenses adjust the power according to how far or how close the wearer wants to see.

Alternative bifocal contact lenses work as bifocal power glasses. There are generally two powers in these lenses. One of these is for seeing things that are nearby and the other is for seeing things that are far away. When people look straight ahead, they can see different things from far away, and when they look downward, they can see things which are close. Alternating bifocal lenses are made of rigid, gas-permeable lenses and have smaller diameters compared to those of other lenses.

Simultaneous contact lenses are of two types – concentrated rings and aspheric designs. In case of concentrated rings, there is only one prescription at the center, which is surrounded by one or two more. In case of multiple rings, the power is automatically adjusted between the near and far distances. Another type of simultaneous contact lens is the aspheric multifocal contact lens. They are very similar to prescribed progressive eyeglass lenses, where multiple prescriptive powers being blended into the lens itself.

Bifocal contact lenses have become very popular in recent years due to advancement in technology and other things. However, it is very tough to decide which contact lenses will work for whom. Therefore, it is best to obtain the recommendation from a doctor who can only prescribe the correct lenses after a thorough eye checkup.

Last updated on Jul 25th, 2010 and filed under Vision Care. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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