Bacterial vag treatment

Bacterial vag, or more appropriately known as bacterial vaginosis, is a health condition where bacterial infection affects the women’s vagina.

Bacterial vaginosis generally occurs when there is an imbalance of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in the body. It is mild condition, and is not something to be worried about. The infection causes vaginal discharge in women and the discharge are often accompanied with a foul odor. The discharge is usually a grayish white in color, and has a thin consistency. It is mostly visible right after sexual intercourse, but for most of the time, many women do not notice the symptoms.

The causes of bacterial vaginosis are yet unclear, although experts have narrow down certain actions that may increase the chances of women having the infection. If a woman has more than one sexual partner, or has a female sexual partner, then there are more chances of her to get bacterial vaginosis. The odds also increase if a woman smokes or douches. Bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed by analyzing symptoms, and examining a sample of discharge. The doctor may also ask for a pelvic exam, often done manually, in which the woman in concern will be checked for abnormalities in her uterus and ovaries. The cervix is examined for any tenderness which may direct to a much severe infection.

Most women do not need any treatment for their bacterial vaginosis.  In 1 out of 4 women, the symptoms disappear by themselves. This is because after a certain time the lactobacilli organisms in the vagina increase to normal levels. Lactobacilli organisms are the ‘good’ bacteria responsible to keep the pH level low and prevent the excessive growth of other organisms.  However, if symptoms persist, or are accompanied by abdominal pain and high temperatures, or if the condition appears while a woman is pregnant, about to undergo a hysterectomy or a surgical abortion, the doctor may diagnose the patient for the severity of the condition prescribe antibacterial medications to treat the condition. Unusual vaginal itching or pain during urination or during sexual intercourse should also be brought to the doctor’s attention.

Taking oral or vaginal antibacterial medications may help to get rid of the harmful bacteria causing the infection. These medications may include metronidazol in oral (Flagyl) or gel (Metrogel) form. However, metronidazol may result in certain unpleasant side-effects. Antibiotics such as tinidazole are also effective in treating bacterial vaginosis with fewer side-effects. Vaginal clindamycin cream such as Cleocin is also available that effectively treats and soothes the condition. Although such medications are effective, the condition often recurs in many women even after successful treatment; perhaps because it does not reverse the cause of the infection in the first place. It should also be mentioned that are no surgical alternatives for bacterial vaginosis treatment. Nevertheless, there are certain precautions that can be taken in order to prevent getting infected.

To help avoid bacterial vaginosis, it is important to restrict the number of sexual partner a woman has. More number of sexual partners may result in changing the usual environment in the vagina, thus leading to bacterial infections. Bacterial vaginosis may be passed from woman to woman if they are involved in sexual interactions, or sharing of sexual items, and therefore it is important to disinfect any shared items, and also to be careful during sexual contact. It is also helpful to avoid douching as this may increase the risk of getting the infection. Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, and is therefore, not passed from men to women.

On a general note, bacterial vaginosis is not a condition to be alarmed about, although under certain circumstances, recurrences and complications may appear. Treatment mainly includes oral and gel medications, and symptoms are expected to wear off with consistent administration of medications. For most of the part, bacterial vaginosis is mentally disturbing, and therefore patience is of utmost virtue when experiencing bacterial vaginosis.

Last updated on May 22nd, 2010 and filed under Genitourinary Disorders. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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