As a parent, it can be extremely difficult to watch your child in distress. For some parents, simply seeing their child receive a cut or scrape can bring on a panic attack. Most parents are more laid back than that, but very few parents can watch their child have an asthma attack without a flutter of panic in their hearts. This is because when a child has an asthma attack, her or she is literally struggling for every breath. If your child has asthma, or you think your child could have asthma, it is vitally important to know asthma symptoms in children and asthma treatment options for children in order to get them the best care that they could possibly receive. Every breath their small lungs take depends on you and a respiratory doctor giving your child the utmost in lung care in order to stop asthma from harming his or her young life.
When a child has asthma, his or her lungs and airways can become swollen and inflamed. This swelling and inflammation makes it difficult for a child to breath. When the swelling and inflammation experience a flare up, your child experiences what is known as an “asthma attack.” And “attack” is exactly the right word for it. It is if your child’s lungs and respiratory airways are attacked his or her small body, stopping him or her from breathing.
If you have a child with asthma, you have probably watched – or been asked by your doctor to watch – for the times when your child’s asthma seems to flare up the most. For some children, asthma attacks occur infrequently. For example, little Bobby may only have asthma attacks when he breaths in cold air. Bobby’s parents then know that they should take special care with his asthma treatment during the fall and winter. On the other hand, little Annie might only have asthma attacks during the spring allergy season. For that reason, little Annie’s parents know to watch out for her asthma attacks in spring. On the other hand, little Johnny may be an unfortunate soul who suffers from frequent asthma attacks all year round. These attacks can come on without warning, and his parents can find it difficult to be ready for such an eventuality. Little Johnny will likely spend quite a bit of time with a doctor who treats asthma symptoms in children.
Asthma should always be treated, even if your child has few asthma attacks. Even if your child only has had one asthma attack, the asthma should be treated. This is because asthma, even asthma that does not “attack,” can lower your child’s respiratory ability. Asthma attacks can also lower a child’s quality of life. Imagine the contrast between a child who can run and play as she pleases and one who must always be on the lookout for her breathing, carry an inhaler or other pills, and notify an adult when she feels an asthma attack coming on. Asthma symptoms in children significantly inhibit their freedom and quality of life. In fact, they often cannot play sports and get involved in the other games that children frequently play.
Unfortunately, asthma symptoms in children mean that your child will be dealing with asthma for his or her whole life. Luckily though, asthma has been studied and many treatments have been advised. Your child’s pediatrician may advise that he or she carry an inhaler or take oral medication for asthma. If you feel that your child is experiencing asthma symptoms, but that he or she has not been diagnosed, see his or her pediatrician immediately to start improving her health outlook.
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