Alli diet pills have hit the market and have become an instant success. People all over have been buying and using Alli diet pills and are excited about their results. The percentage of people that are overweight in America is rising at an alarming rate. This is causing Americans to look for an easier way to lose weight. There are so many diets that are requiring people to give up foods they enjoy or even entire food groups. Diets that involve fasting, eating no carbs or make you count every calorie you put into your mouth. So it’s no surprise that people would rather take Alli diet pills to achieve weight loss than try the other fad weight loss diet plans.
The truth is that the ingredient in Alli is the same ingredient that you have to normally get a prescription for. The ingredient Orlistat is in the drug Xenical. This is prescribed for people who are considered obese by means of having a very high body mass index. Normally if your body mass index is a 30 or greater you are a candidate for receiving the prescription Xenical. Xenical comes in the dose of 120 mg per capsule and it has had some positive results in aiding with weight loss. The FDA has approved this ingredient to be sold in stores but in half the dose, only 60 mg per capsule. Just because the dose is less does not mean it will not help you with weight loss.
The ingredient Orlistat works to prevent the body from absorbing fat. So any amount of this ingredient can still help you accomplish this. Taking Alli with meals or up to an hour after a meal three times a day can help the fat in your meal bypass the absorption process, thus coming through in your stools undigested. You should only take an Alli capsule with a meal that has at least 15 mg of fat. If you eat a meal with little to no fat then it is not necessary to take an Alli capsule. Doing so will not achieve any positive results since it has not been proven that Orlistat can prevent the absorption of any other types of foods.
The benefit of having a lower dose is that you will more than likely avoid the severity of the side effects. The prescription dose can cause loose, oily, urgent or abundant bowel movements. Also stomach cramping and excess flatulence can be expected. So with a lower dose you can expect that you may have less severe symptoms, but that is not to say you will have no side effects at all. Most who experience side effects report that they fade after continued use of the product. This may take a few days or up to a couple months for some.
Alli diet pills may seem to be the next miracle drug, but in order to achieve the desired results it must be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and moderate exercise. If you choose to continue eating a high fat diet you will have an increased amount of side effects. The product can help to eliminate fat in the diet but with any weight loss plan it is essential to change your old habits. Eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are important as well as including physical activity into your routine. This is the only way to accomplish real weight loss and maintain it. Alli can benefit you short term, however, you want to be on the right track and not stuck taking the diet pill for the rest of your life.
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