Acne skin care

Caring for skin and make-up is said to be the expertise of women. Few men are fans of make-up, although many of them take care of their skin. Some of us may feel that skin care and make-up are two different subjects; however, they are intricately related because make-up works best if you possess healthy skin – and that is achieved through proper care.

So how does one go about practicing skin-pampering skills and make-up together? Below are a number of tips that you can apply:

  • Think about your skin all of the time, especially when buying make-up products or trying them on your face immediately following your purchase. Remember that they are not simply a cosmetic product, but rather they contain both skin care and cosmetic faculties. Look at the list of the ingredients to determine if there is anything to which you may have an allergic. There are some products that contain highly-concentrated chemicals that can damage your skin, so it is important that you be very careful.
  • Caring for your skin can be as simple as checking your make-up by means of testing prior to applying it on your skin. Test the cosmetic products on a tiny part of your skin such as your earlobe, and then see if there are any skin reactions.
  • Look at the expiration date of any cosmetic products. Do not use expired products. Some goods, especially products that are Vitamin C-based, are not recommended for use anymore even if they are not yet expired, but because they were not properly kept.
  • Cleanliness must be observed at all times with regards to skin care and make-up procedures. Eyeliners should be sharpened on a regular basis. Your cosmetic tools are to be kept clean always. It is recommended that you plan a day when you can carefully go over your equipment. You can do this once or twice a month, keeping in mind that being clean also means keeping your hair clean, as well as your skin care and make-up procedures.
  • Caring for your nails is another important factor in taking care of your skin and make-up. You should use good quality nail polish and remember that clean nails are essential, as well. Once you have cleaned and polished your nails, then you should use cuticle oil, which is rubbed around the nail edges.
  • If you are one of those lucky women who possess deep eyes, you are best advised to use eyeliners in liquid form rather than pencil – in this way you can avoid eyelid smudges that normally occur at the edges of the eyes.
  • If you are suffering from a disorder of the skin – for instance, acne — then it is not advisable to wear a chemical-based or heavy make-up. Ask advice from a dermatologist if you are uncertain as to which cosmetic goods are recommended for your particular skin condition.
  • Do not simply wash your face to remove cosmetics. A gentle make-up remover can be very helpful to remove any residue.
  • Do not go to sleep without removing the make-up from your face. This is one of the most important procedures in taking proper care of your skin, and is fact known as the “golden rule” in make-up.
  • When applying your deodorant, remember to keep the suggested space (stated on the label) between the nozzle and your skin.

Now that you have read the tips above, you must have already realized that taking care of your skin and make-up always go together and they must not be treated differently or separately. This will automatically result in the prevention of acne.

Acne is defined as an unhealthy skin condition involving the oil glands and hair. Most of us would think of cysts, reddishness, whiteheads, blackheads and pimples when we hear the word acne. This can be extremely detrimental to our appearance, and acne on the body can make us uncomfortable and impact our day-to-day routines. It may be such a small problem for some that they tend to avoid talking about it and are not particularly concerned about treatment. What many do not realize is that acne should be treated as soon as possible, or it is likely to become worse.

If your skin is prone to acne, then it is best to always be ready prior to its appearance. With acne-prone skin, it is recommended that you be proactive, rather than reactive. Keep in mind that you should know the ways to prevent breakouts, such as performing your skin care techniques with absolute discipline.

Continue to read further for tips to help you in caring for acne-prone skin, as well for your everyday routine.

  • Taking care of your skin should start with the most basic rule, and that is being clean at all times. Taking a shower every morning is one way to maintain cleanliness. Most people, in fact, shower at night because it helps to clean their skin following a day outside, and provides relaxation for a good night’s sleep. If you happen to reside in a humid area, then it may be necessary to take a quick shower at night. In addition, it is highly suggested after doing any activities that cause you to perspire. Bear in mind that simply showering regularly works very well in fighting the development of acne.
  • However, daily showers are not the only way to treat or prevent acne. It is also important to wear clean garments and to sleep on dirt-free pillows. Furthermore, clothes that are very tight may cause perspiration easily, so it is best to wear something comfortable and soft. This method applies especially to those already have acne. Also, taking care of acne-prone skin includes habitual cleaning of cosmetic brushes or any tools frequently used on the body.
  • Aside from that, make it a habit to use a gentle, oil-free, soap-free and water-soluble cleanser to maintain the cleanliness of your arms, face and neck. In fact, cleansing is considered to be the most essential method in taking care of the skin to prevent the appearance of skin impurities. If you want your skin to be free from oil, pollutants, grease and dirt, you can rely on cleansers as they are the most efficient and easiest way.
  • If acne is already present, squeezing or touching is a big no-no, as blemishes can become ugly scars in the end. Taking care of your skin also includes mild cleansing and cleaning all affected areas with the use of over-the-counter medicines and soft, clean cotton pads. A wide variety of lotions and creams that are especially made to prevent or stop acne are available without the need for prescription, and they also act as cleansers. In the event that you do not achieve your desired outcome via these methods, the next step would be to consult a dermatologist for further acne treatment.

Acne spells danger for the health of your skin. Still, it is not a problem that cannot be handled. There are a number of skin care goods for acne being sold in the market today. These products can be categorized into three general classes:

  • Common and preventive acne skin care goods
  • Specialized, nonprescription acne skin care goods
  • Prescription acne skin care goods

The common acne skin care products are used as a preventive measure for acne. Make-up removers, cleansers, etc. are some examples of products that help in its prevention. These products should in any case be included in your everyday routine. Yet, several of them are most appropriate to work as acne skin care goods. They work against the causes of acne, such as by restricting sebum/oil production and stopping skin pores from clogging. In essence, these acne skin care goods stop the oil from getting stuck in pores and therefore prevent the development of bacteria that contribute to acne. The common acne skin care products such as skin peels have exfoliating substances that work by getting rid of dead skin cells, thus decreasing the likelihood of bacteria growth and pore-clogging.

Also available are specialized acne skin care goods that can be easily purchased over the counter, without a prescription. Such products include vanishing creams, which remove the skin’s excess oils. Nearly all of the acne skin care goods are salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide-based, which are the foes of bacteria. You should begin with a product that has a low property of benzoyl peroxide (about 5%), and see how your skin will react. Other well-known acne skin care goods are alpha-hydroxy-acid-based moisturizers. You will likely need to try a couple of products before you find the one that is most effective for you. If these products do not seem to work for you, you should get in touch with a dermatologist.

Prescribed skin care goods especially formulated for acne include products such as creams that can be applied to an affected area, oral medicine, or any topical remedy. A minor medical procedure to remove the contents of pustules may sometimes also be advised by a dermatologist. Even so, never attempt to pinch or squeeze blemishes yourself, as this can permanently damage your skin. Your dermatologist may also advise a hormone-based remedy (since another known cause for acne is hormonal changes). Such acne skin care products are known o be extremely effective in some cases.

Thus, with all the acne skin care products on the market today, you should be able to find a solution whatever your personal condition.

Last updated on Mar 11th, 2009 and filed under Skin Care. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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