Yeast infections are often rife in both men and women however one of the most common forms is a vaginal yeast infection. This is typically caused by a fungus called Candida albicans which may be found in small amounts around the vagina. It is actually estimated that up to 75% of women will have a yeast infection at some point in their lifetime. There are numerous factors that can contribute to vaginal yeast infections and these include pregnancy, diabetes, oral contraceptives, antibiotics and steroids. However a yeast infection is far more likely after the menopause. This in the main is due to the declining levels of oestrogen, which will eventually thin out the vagina walls.
There are numerous yeast infection remedies and many of these are completely natural and can even be considered a home remedy:
Probiotics are amongst the most popular natural remedy for yeast infections. Probiotic is basically a live microbial organism that is naturally found in the vagina and also within the digestive tract. They are often referred to as “friendly bacteria” and are able to suppress the growth of many potentially harmful organisms. This, of course, includes Candida.
One of the main probiotics that has been used in medical studies to treat yeast infections is Lactobacillus. It has been proven that low levels of Lactobacillus can be associated with a yeast infection. Lactobacillus is known to block the growth of Candida albicans within the vagina. However the majority of studies have been of a poor quality and are therefore inconclusive.
You can either take probiotics as an oral supplement or a vaginal suppository. However the latter is very difficult to find.
Another popular yeast infection remedy is boric acid. This is a chemical substance that has antifungal properties and is considered a mild antiseptic. Boric acid is typically taken as a vaginal suppository and it is recommended that you should take 600 mg a day for approximately 2 weeks. Boric acid suppositories have actually proven far more successful than therapy with topical and oral antifungal medications.
You can usually purchase boric acid suppositories from compounding pharmacies. One of the most well known is a product called Yeast Arrest that is manufactured by a company called Vitanica. Their product not only contains boric acid but also the herb oregon, grape root and calendula.
Although boric acid has a high success rate there are numerous safety concerns that should be taken into consideration. You should never place boric acid directly onto cuts or open wounds and it should never be taken internally by mouth. Please remember that this is a highly toxic substance and should not be used for a prolonged period of time. It should never be used by pregnant women and do not even consider applying this to the skin of young children. A potential side effect of using a boric acid suppository is a burning vagina and extreme irritation.
Tea tree oil has shown much potential as a natural yeast infection remedy. It should be initially diluted and then applied topically to the vaginal area. It actually contains a compound known as terpinen-4-ol which is believed to be responsible for this soothing effect.
However there has never been a clinical study conducted to prove that tea tree oil is a safe and effective yeast infection remedy. Unfortunately until more evidence has been supplied, it is not recommended that you use tea tree oil. If, however, you must please ensure that you dilute tea tree oil prior to applying to the body and especially the vagina.
If you are worried that you may have a yeast infection some of the most common symptoms include a burning and itching feeling around the vaginal area, a white vaginal discharge that looks very much like cottage cheese, burning whenever you urinate, and you will most likely find sexual intercourse extremely painful. There are numerous natural yeast infection remedies and even over-the-counter remedies however it is important that you always consult your doctor first and ensure that you are correctly diagnosed and evaluated.
It is especially important that you seek a doctor’s diagnosis if this is your first ever yeast infection, if you have ever suffered from any other type of vaginal or urinary tract infection, if you have actually already tried to treat yourself but the symptoms persist, or if you have a weakened immune system due to certain cancer treatments or even diseases such as AIDS. It is also recommended that you get this professionally diagnosed if you have a new or multiple sexual partners. It is important to make sure that you have not contracted a sexually transmitted disease as the symptoms can be very similar.
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