Uterine cancer

Uterus consists of three different parts, the top, middle, and bottom. The top of the uterus is commonly referred to as the fundus which is shaped like a dome and it is where the fallopian tubes go all the way up to the ovaries. The middle of the uterus is called the corpus and it is where a baby grows inside a woman who is pregnant. There is also the bottom of the uterus which is called the cervix and it is a direct passageway to the vagina. A woman has two different layers of tissue in this part of the body—the inner layer and the outer layer. The inner layer is called the endometrium and when a woman reaches adulthood it begins to thicken in preparation for baring children. When a woman does not become pregnant, they experience a slight flow of blood coming from the vagina during their menstrual period. The outer layer of the uterus is referred to as the myomtrium and it too plays a vital part in making the uterus function properly as a whole.

When a woman develops this condition, the cancer starts off developing in the uterine cells which are the building blocks which the tissues rest on. Tissues are responsible for making up the uterus as a whole as well as many other organs throughout the body. Normally cells usually grow and then divide to form brand new ones as the body requires them. As a normal cell starts to grow old enough, it eventually dies and there is always a new cell which pops up to take its place. With women who have uterine cancer, something in this process goes wrong and their cells do not behave the way they should. With this type of cancer new cells can start forming even when the body does not require them and old cells fail to die as they are supposed to. When these cells start to buildup it can cause a mass of tissue to form which is commonly known as a tumor.

Tumors whether they are in the uterus or another part of the body can either be malignant or benign. You have probably heard these terms before, but it is important to know what they mean exactly. A benign tumor which is sometimes referred to as a fibroid or a polyp is not inherently dangerous and it can usually be treated rather easily and completely removed so it will not grow back. These tumors do not spread and therefore cannot invade the surrounding tissues and cause any damage. Malignant tumors on the other hand are different in the sense that they can very well be a threat to a person’s life and have the ability to move to other tissues in the body and spread. Although they can usually be removed by a surgeon, they typically grow back after a certain amount of time has passed. With uterine cancer one of the prime concerns is that these infected cells will spread to the vagina and cause untold damage which can be fatal for the patient.

These cancerous cells in the uterus spread by breaking away from tumor itself and traveling to the lymph vessels in the body as well as the lymph nodes which is when it becomes very serious. Cancer cells have been known to spread through many different parts of the body, such as the brain, lungs, liver, and bones. Sometimes when cancer spreads like this it forms new tumors in other parts of the body, making it even more difficult to treat than before. When cancer spreads to other parts of the body it is said to have metastasized. This means that these cancerous cells are no longer isolated to the uterus but other parts of the body as well.

You will certainly want to know about some of the different symptoms which are especially common with this condition, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding/discharge as well as pain during sex and pain the pelvic region. If you have noticed any of these things recently, it is important to get examined as soon as possible so you will be able to get the kind of treatment you need. Not all uterine cancer ends in death and some of it can be managed with various means, depending on the specific circumstances and the progression of the condition. A doctor who suspects uterine cancer might run a battery of tests, including a pelvic exam as well as an ultrasound and even a biopsy if some of the other tests have come back positive. This is a last resort and is meant to absolutely confirm this type of cancer.

Last updated on Mar 18th, 2011 and filed under Cancer Research. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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