Candida is yeast found in the body that is naturally occurring. This yeast is typically found in the throat, mouth, genitourinary tract and intestines. Without a properly functioning immune system or when friendly bacteria are absent from the body, the system’s balance will be off and Candida may begin to overgrow resulting in candida albicans.
A patient with candida albicans will typically experience many symptoms that are uncomfortable and potentially painful. Symptoms may include rash, fatigue, a yeast infection, anxiety and depression. Symptoms of candida albicans are normally treated with anti-fungal medicines and a change in diet is typically recommended. Avoiding certain foods is the most common treatment for candida albicans. These foods may include refined sugar such as maple syrups, corn syrup, honey, molasses, brown sugar and granulated sugar. Fruits and fruit juices should also be avoided as they contain natural sugars and natural sugars tend to promote the growth of yeast. Beer, wine and liquors contain yeast and sugar and should also be avoided.
Foods that contain yeast such as many breads and crackers, pretzels, bagels, pastries, muffins and other foods high in sugar should also be avoided. Foods that contain vinegar such as pickles, olives, mayonnaise, barbeque sauce, mustard and other condiment type foods also contain yeast culture and should be avoided by those with candida albicans. You should get into the habit of reading the labels on any food that you purchase to check for high levels of sugar, yeast and vinegar. This can help you to avoid foods that promote the growth of yeast in the body. Peanut butter, peanuts, mushrooms and many meats and cheeses should also be avoided at least until your condition has cleared.
There are many foods that will help your body to fight a yeast infection. These include raw garlic and soluble fiber. Acidophilus helps the intestinal track and can kill candida. Acidophilus can be found in many yogurts and other foods. Again, you should carefully read the labels on the food that you purchase to determine what ingredients are in the foods that you eat. You may also take supplements to treat candida albicans. Supplements that are recommended for the overgrowth of yeast include oregano and peppermint oils. It is important to note that these oils can be toxic when take in liquid form. It is only recommended that patients take the oils in supplemental capsule form to avoid any other complications. Plenty of sleep and reducing stress are also recommended treatments for the condition.
Even during treatment, many patients report that their symptoms seem to be worse. When candida is killed it can release toxins and proteins. While the process is temporary, it can be very uncomfortable during treatment. If you stick to your treatment however, the symptoms should be alleviated within just a week or so. You should attempt to keep your immune system functioning properly and include friendly bacteria as often as possible.
Many candida infections are treated with over the counter medications and some require prescription medications. These are typically topical medications and are anti-fungal drugs like miconazole, clotrimazole, nystatin and tioconazole. Oral medications include amphotericin B and fluconazole. Serious infections typically require IV medications that are given to the patient at the hospital. Even after medications have successfully cleared up the condition, recurrence can happen. Antibiotics are typically not given to patients during treatment. In fact, it is often recommended that the use of antibiotics be discontinued until after the infection has cleared up and preventative measures are often recommended to keep the condition from recurring. Preventative measures include keeping the skin clean and dry and eating a healthy diet that includes friendly bacteria such as that found in yogurt.
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