Many people understand that blood pressure is very important, especially if it is high. Blood pressure is, basically, the amount of pressure that blood puts on the walls of the blood vessels it moves through. There are two pressures that are measured when someone takes a blood pressure reading: the first is the systolic blood pressure, which is the measure of blood pressure as the heart beats, and the second is called diastolic pressure or the measure of the blood pressure as and when the heart is relaxed or at rest.
To measure systolic blood pressure, a doctor or nurse uses a special device known as a sphygmomanometer. Many people know what this device looks like, but they just don’t know the large name associated with it. It is the fabric cuff that is wrapped around the arm and fastened with Velcro. The cuff is then inflated, and the attached gauge will then give a reading of your blood pressure. As the air is released, the healthcare professional takes the reading. It’s also possible to measure blood pressure using a blood pressure machine, and many pharmacies and department stores with pharmacy departments have these machines available for public use.
Once you’ve had your blood pressure measured, you will get two numbers. One is written over the other in a faction-like style. For example, normal blood pressure is 120/80, or “one-twenty over eighty” as it is read aloud. The top number, 120, is the systolic blood pressure measurement. The second, or bottom number, is the diastolic blood pressure reading.
Why is it important to have a systolic blood pressure number that is near normal? Systolic blood pressure is the force that helps move blood to all the various parts of your body. As the blood vessels get farther and farther away from the heart, they get smaller. These blood vessels are absolutely vital in getting nutrients and oxygen to your organs and to all parts of your body. They also help remove waste from the body.
If your systolic blood pressure is too low, you have hypotension. This can lead to major problems because there’s not enough force to help move blood through your body. This means that some of the farthest organs from your heart may not get the nutrients and the oxygen they need to function at their peak. The cells in your extremities may even die because of this. Your systolic blood pressure is considered below normal if it drops to under 90.
On the other hand, it is possible to have high systolic blood pressure. This occurs if you have a reading of over 140 for your systolic blood pressure. If both systolic and diastolic blood pressure is high, you have what everyone knows as high blood pressure or hypertension. Your diastolic blood pressure is high if it is over 90. If, however, only your systolic blood pressure is high, you have what is called isolated systolic hypertension.
In high blood pressure, both standard and isolated systolic hypertension, the small blood vessels located in many of the vital organs become hardened and less elastic over time. This means it’s much easier for them to either rupture or to be blocked. This can lead to organ damage, a stroke, or a heart attack. Unfortunately, even if you have normal blood pressure for all of your life, you may still experience blockage or a loss of elasticity as you get older.
There are a number of different factors that can increase your risk of high or low systolic blood pressure. These include working or living in a highly stressful environment for a long period of time, your posture, smoking, and how much exercise you get. Your diet and family history may also have an impact on your blood pressure and can actually give you a “normal” blood pressure that is slightly higher or lower than standard.
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