Cholesterol is a substance that is made naturally by our bodies. It is a fatlike substance with a waxy texture and is necessary for healthy functioning of the body. The body needs cholesterol to produce hormones throughout the body, as well as producing vitamin D and bile acids used to digest fat in our diets. Our bodies only need a small amount of cholesterol to meet its daily needs and to keep us healthy. The problem with having too much cholesterol in our bodies is that the excess cholesterol that our body cannot process gets relocated into our vital arteries where it can narrow our arteries or even block them preventing the blood to flow to the important organs throughout our body.
High cholesterol can cause many problems and although it can go undetected without having a medical exam, there may be some warning signs that you could develop high cholesterol. There are many lifestyle choices that a person could be making that are contributing to having high cholesterol. For starters, the foods we eat are big contributors to how much cholesterol we put into our bodies. Fast foods, greasy foods, cheese, milk, eggs and fatty meats all contain high levels of cholesterol. When you eat any food that contains high levels of saturated fats you are adding too much cholesterol to your body. These foods are not only unhealthy but they also cause us to become overweight. Once a person is overweight, their body will store more fat and also more cholesterol. People who do not exercise have higher levels of cholesterol as well. Another factor that can contribute to high cholesterol is smoking. Smoking is bad for our bodies in so many ways and causing high cholesterol is just one more way smoking is hazardous to our health.
Getting your cholesterol checked by a doctor is very important for anyone’s health. By having a simple blood test done your doctor will be able to determine whether or not you have high cholesterol. If you have a family history of high cholesterol you may be at a greater risk as well. It is important to let your doctor know if other members of your family suffer from high cholesterol. Although there are many lifestyle factors that contribute to high cholesterol, some people who eat well and exercise may suffer from high cholesterol naturally. If your body produces too much cholesterol on its own, you could still have high cholesterol and not know it.
There are two major and life threatening conditions that could arise from having high cholesterol and they are risk for heart disease and stroke. Since high cholesterol causes build up layers of plague in the arteries, a blockage could ultimately cause a heart attack or a stroke. Symptoms of heart disease can include chest pain, dizziness, pressure in the chest, feeling numbness and cold in legs and feet, feeling lightheaded and short of breath, and sweating more than usual. Symptoms of stroke can include dizziness, lack of coordination, blurred vision, numbness in body parts, confusion, difficulty communicating, fever, nausea, vomiting, and feeling faint. Symptoms of a stroke may come on suddenly and offer little warning before striking. This makes it very important to prevent high cholesterol from ever becoming a risk factor.
As you can see, having high cholesterol can result in many unwanted medical conditions. The best way to avoid having high cholesterol is to pay attention to the foods you eat, exercise often, quit smoking and have your cholesterol levels checked by your doctor regularly. If you suspect you may have high cholesterol but are unsure, take the time to get your cholesterol checked so you can rest assure you are staying as healthy as possible.
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