Spinal decompression provides relief of pressure on one or more pinched spinal nerves; a pinched nerve is also called a neural impingement. Spinal decompression can be done surgically or non-surgically, and the choice depends on the location of the pinched nerve, the number of pinched nerves, and the overall health of the individual; some people opt to start out with the nonsurgical methods, and if it becomes necessary, have a surgery performed. Unfortunately, not everyone is healed from surgery and the surgery always comes with great risks. Spinal decompression treats a number of conditions that cause chronic back pain, including a disc bulge, herniated disc, sciatica, spinal stenosis, and a condition called spondylolisthesis, which is simply a displacement of one vertebra relative to the one below it or above it. A spinal decompression machine is the common means of decompressing the spine utilizing nonsurgical techniques.
How Does it Work?
A spinal decompression machine is non-invasive and very safe, as long as it is done by a qualified health professional. The patient is placed on a spinal table, which is actually the decompression machine. Using a computer attached to the decompression machine, the professional will pinpoint certain discs that need decompressing. A traction device exerts pressure on the specific discs of the spinal column, reducing the amount of pressure in the discs themselves. The goal is to have more room in the spinal column overall so the nerves will not be pinched and the discs not compressed. There are different types of spinal decompression machines, but they all achieve the same goal. The machines are great because they can relieve back pain due to pinched nerves or herniated discs, and they can also relieve the neck pain that occurs with these problems.
How Many Treatments Are Required?
The answer to this question is that it really depends on the severity of the spinal compression. However, it is safe to say that it will take about 15 to 25 treatments total for a successful therapy.
Benefits of Spinal Decompression Machines
There are many benefits that come from getting spinal decompression therapy from a health care professional and a spinal decompression machine. First, attempting to do physical therapy yourself can lead to even more problems if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you’ve never had experience with the type of back problems that might require the use of a decompression machine, it is best not to try and fix it yourself. Second, compared to surgery, it is much cheaper, safer, and certainly less invasive; in fact, it’s not invasive at all. Third, your pinched nerve, herniated disc, or whatever other problem you might be suffering from, will be cured and you will be back to feeling better and being able to do more activities that require the use of your back.
How Much Does it Cost?
The costs vary so widely that it is best to talk to a specific facility about cost; however, most insurances cover all or a portion of the spinal decompression therapy if it is done under rehabilitation.
Do-It-Yourself Spinal Decompression Machine
For those who don’t have insurance and can’t afford to have spinal decompression therapy done by a qualified professional, there is a spinal decompression machine that can be used in the home. It is especially important to be careful with this and that you do your research before choosing a machine. Doing this at home completely takes away the expertise of the medical professional, so it is recommended to at least go to a professional first. You should speak with your healthcare provider about the decision before you make it because you really need to consider your own safety.
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