Sore throat remedies

Sore throats are one of the biggest reasons for doctor visits in the United States at the present time. A sore throat is caused when the mucous membranes of the throat become inflamed due to infection or other processes. The tonsils, adenoids and the soft palate of the mouth can become infected due to viral or bacterial sources and cause a sore throat as well.

There are some home remedies that can be very beneficial for a sore throat that can be used prior to visiting your physician. Salt water gargles are the most well known home remedy for sore throats. Mix one teaspoon of salt in a glass of tepid or warm water and gargle for up to two minutes. Repeat this procedure three to four times a day. The salt mixture increases the amount of circulation to that area of the body. This helps the bodies natural abilities to combat infection by getting antibodies to the throat and by carrying off infection in a timely manner.

Apple cider vinegar is another excellent home remedy that can be used for sore throats as a gargle. This remedy has been used routinely by those in folk medicine circles as an antibacterial agent. It is recommended to mix between one teaspoon to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. Gargle then swallow the mixture and repeat the process. This procedure should be done once an hour to help kill the bacteria in the throat. The acid content in the vinegar is also soothing to a raw inflamed throat. It will help to decrease the pain of a sore throat in addition to its antibacterial qualities. Please note that the mouth should be rinsed out completely after gargling with apple cider vinegar to prevent the acid content from damaging the enamel on the teeth.

It is also recommend to mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and three teaspoons of honey to the above mixture to increase its ability to rebuild the immune system. Mix the cayenne pepper in boiling water with the honey and then add the apple cider vinegar. Gargle while the mixture is warm. Repeat this procedure up to once per hour as recommended above. As noted above the mouth should be rinsed completely after gargling with this mixture as well.

Slippery elm bark is an excellent herb for sore throats. This is the inner bark from the tree. It contains a substance called mucilage which expands when it is mixed with liquid. It has the ability to soothe and protect the throat when it comes into contact with it. This substance is what most of the herbal throat lozenges are made out of that you find in the health food stores.

Marshmallow is another herbal preparation that contains mucilage like slippery elm. Marshmallow root herbal tea is recommended for sore throats as it can help to soothe and protect the throat as the gel like substance expands when it is exposed to the water in the tea and is used to coat the raw surfaces of the throat and the soft palate of the mouth.

Licorice can be used for sore throats in addition to the other herbs mentioned here. Licorice is used to make many herbal teas for sore throats that can be found in health food stores. This can be used safely for short periods of time however licorice has been linked to causing problems such as high blood pressure when used for prolonged periods so it should only be used for the short term. Anyone who has high blood pressure or glaucoma should not take licorice or preparations that have licorice in them.

Hot chamomile tea with honey and lemon can be a good soothing drink for anyone with a sore throat. The chamomile is soothing for the whole body and the honey and lemon are good for the body and the immune system. This helps the bodies natural ability to fight off infection in a speedy manner.

It is acceptable to treat a sore throat with home remedies for a short period of time however if a sore throat persists over three days or is accompanied by a fever that does not go away, a physician or medical professional should be consulted for treatment. These home remedies are meant to be used as complimentary treatments for traditional medicine.

Last updated on Nov 21st, 2009 and filed under Alternative Medicine. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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