Snoring mouthpiece

Nothing can hurt a marriage or drive the romance out of a relationship quite as quickly as snoring. Snoring occurs when the sleeper’s flow of air is interrupted by a physical barrier. Generally, the flow of air through the nose and mouth are free of obstruction as people sleep. In a snorer, however, airways can be obstructed by mucous, throat tissue, muscles that are relaxed and even the tongue itself if it becomes too relaxed.

Luckily, when medical intervention is not an option but snoring simply must stop, there is another solution to be found in the placement of a snoring mouthpiece into your mouth before you go to bed. With a snoring mouthpiece you can be released from your banishment to the sofa and sleeping in bed again before you know it.

Snoring Mouthpiece — The Solution You’ve Been Searching For
When you use a snoring mouthpiece to help solve your sleeping and snoring dilemma, you are using a tool that is safe, non-invasive and—according to product testimonials—very effective for many chronic snorers. The way that a snoring mouthpiece works is that it pushes your forward to reduce the amount of tissue and muscle that can obstruct the airway in the throat. This also forces your tongue slightly forward and actually increases the size of the airway in your throat.

While extremely effective for some snorers, a snoring mouthpiece only works when your snoring problem is a result of blocked throat airways. If you primarily breathe through your nose and your snoring is caused by a blockage of mucous in your nose (possibly caused by allergies or a cold) then the snoring mouthpiece will probably not change your snoring habits.

Snoring Mouthpiece Risks
Some chronic snorers have a more serious disorder than just a simple snoring issue. These unfortunate individuals suffer from a disorder called sleep apnea and, not only do they snore but they also stop breathing in their sleep. Someone with sleep apnea will fall asleep, stop breathing for several seconds and then will begin breathing again which might result in snores. Some spouses hear this and think it is a simple case of intermittent snoring rather than sleep apnea. A snoring mouthpiece is not a sufficient treatment for sleep apnea. If you or your spouse suspect that you might stop breathing several times each night as you sleep, then you need to consult your primary care physician about the likelihood of you having sleep apnea.

A snoring mouthpiece should also not be used by anyone who has temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), anyone who wears dentures or anyone with loose teeth or an oral disease like gingivitis. Using a snoring mouthpiece when you have any of these disorders could worsen your condition and cause further harm to your mouth and jaw.

No matter what is causing your snoring, you need to find some help. Snoring, believe it or not, is a safety hazard. It interrupts your sleep during its most crucial phases and leaves you feeling tired all day. It impacts your judgment, your ability to drive and your decision making capabilities. If you think that a snoring mouthpiece will help your snoring and you have no oral disorders or issues, then trying one is a good idea. You can consult your doctor and dentist first just to make sure that they do not think it will interfere with your breathing and that they don’t feel it could be sleep apnea rather than normal snoring. If the snoring mouthpiece doesn’t work then you might just consider some of the nasal focused snoring solutions on the market. If nothing over the counter works for you then it could be time to think about becoming part of a sleep study so that you can get definitive answers and solutions.

Last updated on Apr 8th, 2010 and filed under Sleep Disorders. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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