If you are somebody who has been afflicted with sinusitis, then you may be wondering what you can do to help treat this problem. The difference in the sinusitis treatment options that are available depend on whether or not you have a reoccurring problem, or if it is just a singular base that is giving you the problems. The good news is that in both cases there are home treatment remedies that you can turn to in order to help you overcome this problem. Even if you are suffering from an acute case of sinusitis resulting from a bacterial infection that may require the use of antibiotics, there are several things you can do at home to assist in remedying the problem as well.
One of the most popular sinusitis treatment options that you can do at home is the introduction of a saltwater nasal wash. While this may seem strange, the truth is that saltwater washes can help to ensure your nasal passages remain open and that you are able to wash out the mucus and bacteria that cause many of the infection problems. The ratio of a saltwater mix that you should use is half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda to eight ounces of water. This wash can be applied in a number of ways, and you can find these methods at your local pharmacy.
Another sinusitis treatment that you can look into is the use of a humidifier in your home. Dry air can cause problems with inflammation and can make the symptoms of sinusitis worsen. By using a humidifier (especially at night while you sleep) you will help keep the nasal passages open and the mucus flowing better, which lessens the chance of you developing an infection. This is really recommended for those who are suffering from chronic sinusitis as it will help reduce the conditions that will led to full blown sinusitis.
Warm water compresses are another form of sinusitis treatment that may help reduce swelling and other problems while at the same time giving your nasal passages the moisture that they need to open up properly. You can also make sure you use warm water vapor by filling up a bowl of hot water and leaning your head over the steam so that it can be inhaled. While this is very similar to the use of a humidifier, leaning directly over the water and inhaling the vapor is something that can provide immediate relief. To help amplify the effects some people recommend putting a towel over their head to make sure that all of the steam is directed into the face.
Over the counter pain medications are also helpful sinusitis treatments as they can provide relief during the day when the pain and inflammation are problematic. By using ibuprofen and acetaminophen in conjunction with nasal decongestant, you can make sure that you are able to go to work during the day without too many problems. In addition, the decongestant can help to ensure the sinus cavities do not become blocked, thereby causing even more inflammation and pressure.
If none of these sinusitis treatment options work, you may need to go to a doctor. The reason may be that you may have a larger infection or problem then you think. If you have a bacterial or viral infection, antibiotics and cortisone steroids may be prescribed by the doctor to help clear up the infection and reduce the swelling and inflammation in the sinus cavities. You will want to make sure that you take these medications in strict accordance with the doctor’s instructions so that you can get the most out of the treatment. By doing this you also help reduce the risk of a reoccurring problem.
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thanks for the information. wondering if you have a point of view on surgery options?
my son (who is 9) had a ct scan. two surgery options on the plate, traditional or balloon sinuplasty. can’t find anything on either for children from the health community. the pov on them for adults are that traditional is more invasive (cutting of bone) than balloon treatment but balloon is newer (2005) so less long-term evidence.