Sinus surgery is performed in order to remove damaged or diseased tissue and create pathways to reroute infected material out of the sinus cavities and into drainage. While for many years this required an invasive surgery, today it is typically performed using endoscopic techniques, giving greater precision and accuracy for routing alternative routes. This minimizes, and occasionally eliminates, the need for external incisions and surgery. Because of this precision and lack of any large scale scarring, this method of surgery results in much less swelling and discomfort than tradition incision-based surgery, and has a much quicker rate of recover.
Sinus surgery is different from most other forms of surgery, primarily because no organs are actually removed. Instead of the removal of diseased organs and tissue, new routes are created to allow existing sinus paths and tubing to work around diseased tissue. While diseased tissue is also removed, the new sinus pathway is slightly different to the original, and requires a great deal of care to remain usable. As a result of this slightly different method of operation, it’s absolutely essential that proper precautions and care are taken after the operation has been completed.
This quick guide will help you rapidly recover from sinus surgery. As there’s such huge important on post-operative care, it’s important that you follow them carefully and exactly, as poor post-operative care can result in more problems, including extensive rebuilding of sinuses and nasal cavities. Take immense and precise care of your sinuses, for the problems than can result as part of poor aftercare are often worse than the initial troubles.
Sinuses are hugely important in proper breathing, correct balance, and the ability to see, smell and taste properly. With sinuses being closely located to many of the major facial nerve cells, poor care following sinus operation can severely effect the ability to feel pain and sensation in the face. Poor care can cause permanent numbness of the upper teeth and severe problems with movement of the upper lip and jaw. In addition to this, poor treatment of sinus passages that have been operated on can also cause permanent headaches, pressure behind the eyes causing discomfort, and trouble breathing correctly.
Nobody wants to lose their sense of smell or taste, so it’s incredibly important that anyone following treatment from sinus surgery take adequate care of their sinuses. Minimize sniffing of fluid buildup and make sure that you treat your sinuses and nasal cavities with the utmost of care. If it feels too stressful or damaging, DON’T do it. The potential to restore previous problems is huge and it’s not uncommon for conditions to worsen as a result of poor aftercare of sinus surgery.
Do you need sinus surgery? Sinus surgery is most commonly performed to minimize or completely dismiss sinus headaches, loss of feeling or permanent breathing problems. It’s not uncommon for people to have problems with their sinuses, including pressure buildup, poor balance by uneven sinus and hearing levels, or extensive discomfort caused by the buildup of fluid and pressure below the eyes and in the lower face. While sinus surgery is a rarity in the greater scheme of sinus problems, it’s generally the progression for those that suffer from severe sinus problems and associated issues.
Generally you will be subscribed antibiotics after surgery, which are recommended. It’s also common to see some form of pain relief, typically Vicodin or other prescription medicines. Sometimes, steroids and anti-nausea medicine are prescribed to defeat post-operative conditions and problems. While these aren’t typical, it’s very wise to complete a course of them if prescribed following sinus surgery.
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