Sepia is a homeopathic remedy, and another name for cuttlefish. The cuttlefish is a soft-bodied mollusk with 8 arms, similar to octopus and squid. When the fish feels threatened, it squirts a dark ink called sepia that clouds the water and is intended to camouflage itself. That dark ink is collected, allowed to dry, and mixed with milk (lactose) sugar to make it ingestible by humans. Sepia, in the states before and after it is mixed with lactose, is used for many different purposes. Sepia is most commonly used by women to relieve problems relating to the female organs; it is said to have a therapeutic effect and helps restore hormone imbalances in women.
Sepia for Health Purposes
Female Complaints
One of the main uses of sepia is to relieve symptoms of female gynecological complaints. This is so because it works on the uterus, ovaries, and vagina. Such complaints include PMS, painful or heavy menstruation, hot flashes, menopausal symptoms, emotional and physical symptoms before and after pregnancy, candidiasis, and a sagging or prolapsed uterus. It may even help women who experience pain during sexual intercourse and are extremely fatigued afterward.
Ask a Doctor
Your doctor or healthcare provider is the best person to give you advice about whether or not sepia is right for you. If you prefer to see a doctor who practices complementary medicine, all the better, because sepia is most likely something “prescribed” by a doctor in that area of the profession. If you experience any of the above problems, you will most certainly benefit from a dose of sepia, or at least a visit to the doctor to discuss it.
The Good Candidate
The person who will probably benefit the most from supplementing with sepia is the female who has very bad menstrual problems; also, a female with a slender body, dark hair, mild disposition, and drooping shoulders is said to benefit from sepia more so than other women for some reason.
Purchasing Sepia
Often, there are different strengths of homeopathic remedies, so it is important to pick the one best suited to your needs. Usually, however, the remedy is only taken for a certain amount of time; it isn’t an on-going thing. Some potencies of sepia are taken twice daily for 7-10 days, while others are taken every 2-4 hours for 3-5 days. Another one is taken once every 4 hours, three times only. The dose is another thing your doctor can help you figure out; depending on the severity of the symptoms, everyone requires a different dose.
Side Effects of Sepia
Just because something is homeopathic or natural does not mean that it is free of side effects. In fact, it is the natural things that the side effects are less known about because the nutritional supplement industry is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. There are no studies determining whether or not they are safe, so it is always good to approach them with caution. Talking to others who have tried it is a good way to get insight on the topic. Also, your doctor should be a sound and trustworthy base of information.
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