Schizophrenia treatment

Schizophrenia is a very serious and severe brain disorder. Schizophrenia can cause a person to withdraw, become paranoid, and delusional. There is no cure for this disorder however there are a variety of treatments that can help a person cope and live with the condition. If you are concerned that you may have schizophrenia, you need to see your doctor and get diagnosed right away. Starting the proper treatments early can prevent the disorder from getting worse and can help eliminate symptoms. Getting the proper diagnosis of schizophrenia may take some time since the symptoms can often be confused with other conditions. Medical conditions stemming from drug abuse, vitamin B12 deficiency, tuberculosis, and brain injury can all share common symptoms. Since schizophrenia is a mental disorder there are no physical tests available to test for the condition.

Once you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia there are a number of treatments your doctor may prescribe for you. Antipsychotics are the most common drug treatments for this disorder. Medications such as Thorazine, Haloperidol and Fluanxol are all antipsychotics that have proven to show great results in people with the disorder. They can help the symptoms improve and can prevent a relapse of the disorder as well. Other antipsychotic medications that are newer and “atypical” include Clozaril, Risperdal and Aripiprazole. These are very effective in reducing the negative symptoms involved with schizophrenia as well.

Since patient with schizophrenia often feel depressed and withdrawn it is common for the patient to be prescribed antidepressants to help them feel better and cope with the disorder.

Another form of treatment is psychotherapy. This is recommended because it adds behavioral treatments into therapy alongside the medical treatments. These types of treatments can include psychoeducation, cognitive therapies and family counseling. These are beneficial in helping a patient learn to deal with their disorder and function in society. Because of their symptoms, people that suffer from schizophrenia may avoid social gatherings or outings. In this case, social skills training can offer benefits in teaching patients how to deal with their symptoms in public situations.

Sometimes patients like to look for alternative treatments for their disorder. Although they can offer some benefits it should never be done without the consent of a medical professional. Often alternative treatments can go hand in hand with medical treatments and offer better success rates. Sometimes taking a look at ones diet can allow for changes that can improve the condition. Adding omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oils have been known to help reduce symptoms. Antioxidants such as Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin E have also shown improvements. One of the best supplements to include is Glycine. It’s an amino acid that has shown to drastically alleviate negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia.

Although living with Schizophrenia can offer its challenges and frustrations, it can be dealt with and symptoms can be lessened and avoided with treatments and therapies. Once a person has been diagnosed with schizophrenia he or she should start on treatments as soon as possible. Unfortunately schizophrenia is not the type of condition that will just go away with time. It is usually treated and managed for a lifetime. Your doctor will be able to decide how severe your schizophrenia is and what type of medications and the dosage you should take for you individual needs. Not everyone has the same severity of schizophrenia therefore there is no standard dosage or medication used. Most importantly it is necessary to understand that schizophrenia is a mental disorder and is no fault of the patients. This is not something one can control on their own.

Last updated on Oct 24th, 2009 and filed under Mental Health. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Response for “Schizophrenia treatment”

  1. chaoco says:

    I have schizophrenia and have tried multiple drugs and am mostly allergic to anti psychotics so my response be prerogative. I currently take 1200 lithium, flexiril for neuralgia pain tardive dyskenisia and grimace facial muscle pain, metoprolol tartrate for hypertension due to inflammation or other, and ambien for sleep terror disorder. I have constant auditory and visual hallucinations with two other personalities that try to takeover my main personality for use of my day to day body and I have found that Ambien and other hypnotic sedatives work better than lithium and all other drugs I have taken, I take ten mg ambien and if I stay awake it causes the voices to fall asleep and become much less responsive and much less hallucinatory, though it increases the persistent sexual arousal syndrome they cause as they move around but even this is less in all at its peak. If they could develop a sedative hypnotic i could take during the daytime that does not cause visual hallucinations I would take it and it would be seventy five percent effective rather than the dull twenty five percent effectiveness of lithium and other antipsychotics that do not cause (in some cases) even worse symptoms than the schizophrenia bacteria by itself without any chemical compounds at all.

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