Quercetin is a naturally occurring substance known as bioflavonoid that is found in high concentrations in the skin of apples, red onions, citrus fruits and red grapes. Quercetin benefits are numerous. It is a potent antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties and it is known to decrease allergy symptoms. It does this by blocking histamine action in the body.
Quercetin is found as an added ingredient in a lot of foods and drinks today because it is a proven healthful ingredient. People are beginning to become more aware of the many Quercetin benefits. The human body readily absorbs Quercetin and is easily ingested by eating certain foods. You can get this antioxidant in natural foods like apples, red onions and grapes as well as in red wine or tea. Quercetin is also available in pill form.
If you are someone who suffers allergies, this powerful substance can give you relief from your misery. People who take 500 milligrams of quercetin three times a day find that their allergy symptoms are greatly relieved. Quercetin’s antihistamine action may also help some people relieve asthma symptoms as well. Other quercetin benefits include the anti-inflammatory properties of this substance that may help to reduce pain from disorders such as arthritis. It has been reported that men who are troubled by prostrate problems can also benefit from supplementing with Quercetin. One Mayo Clinic researcher by the name of Nianzeng Xing, Ph.D has stated that Quercitin blocks androgen activity in human prostrate cancer cells. However, since the studies are preliminary they have not actually proven that men who already have prostrate cancer can benefit from Quercetin supplementation yet.
Some more quercetin benefits include the reduction of anxiety, depression and even fatigue. Collagen is needed for organ health and skin. Quercetin benefits the maintenance and health of collagen in the body and helps slow down the breakdown of collagen. This means that wrinkles and the aging and sagging of the skin can be slowed down as one grows older if they are getting enough quercetin in their daily diet. Internal organs stay stronger and healthier longer too.
One of the well known quercetin benefits is that of its ability to act as a natural blood pressure reducer. It has been shown through clinical studies that people who supplement daily with 730 milligrams of quercetin can significantly drop both their diastolic and systolic blood pressure. However, these were people who are in the initial stages of hypertension and are just beginning to have problems with their blood pressure. People who are established as being hypertensive and are having problems controlling their blood pressure with prescription medications may not be able to control their blood pressure by supplementing with Quercetin alone. You should always consult your doctor if you want to try another way to control your blood pressure.
Quercetin also benefits the entire cardiovascular system. People who have a high intake of Quercetin tend to have a lower risk for heart disease and stroke. Quercetin benefits the capillaries and connective tissues of the body which can help alleviate varicose veins, bruising and edema. Research into quercetin benefits also show that it can neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage. It improves lung functioning so it is extremely beneficial to help in cases of bronchitis, asthma and emphysema.
Quercetin has not been identified as an essential nutrient so there is no recommended daily allowance set by the FDA. A daily dosage of 50 mgs – 150 mgs is a reasonable dosage even though there are no known issues of toxicity with taking Quercetin. Some doctors caution that taking Quercetin as a daily supplement may interfere with medications they are taking because it can interfere with the liver’s ability to break them down. If you are taking prescription medications of any kind you should consult with your doctor before taking Quercetin supplements.
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