PTSD symptoms

If you are someone who has experienced a traumatic event, then you are at risk of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In order to make sure that this is what you are suffering from you need to first understand PTSD symptoms. This is because almost everyone experiences some form of anxiety or problems with PTSD following a traumatic event, the key to understanding them is to be able to differentiate between normal problems and a more serious condition. While almost everyone in this position will experience some form of stress related problems, these are usually only apparent in the short term. However, those affected with long term PTSD could find it difficult to move on.

That is because people with PTSD symptoms may find that instead of feeling better each day, they feel worse or that their problems become compounded. In fact, it is even possible that you may not have symptoms immediately following a traumatic event, but these symptoms could appear years later, manifesting in your daily life. Another problem that can occur with PTSD symptoms is that they may not be a continuous problem, but rather they might come on suddenly or be an intermittent occurrence in your day to day life. It is because of this that PTSD can sometimes be difficult to diagnose.

One of the main PTSD symptoms that are recognized by psychiatrists is when the patient appears to continuously re-live the event. These can take the form of flashbacks or nightmares, or even stress reactions that can occur at any time when the event is thought of or a memory is triggered. It is this constant reintegration of the traumatic event that can cause people to have the most problems with PTSD as they might constantly find themselves entrapped in a loop of emotional distress and the superimposition of these memories over their normal day to day life.

Another of the PTSD symptoms that can cause problems is the desire for people to avoid stress filled situations is the motivation to emotionally distance themselves from the trauma by removing themselves from day to day life. For example, if you associate certain places or images with the trauma, then you will likely start to avoid those places and activities that might cause you to have a stress reaction. In general this can also cause people to lose interest in their day to day lives and other activities, causing them to be a recluse. Over time this could even develop into a situation where the patient feels emotionally numb and detached from their family and loved ones. These PTSD patients might also find themselves unable to remember important details of the traumatic event.

Over time these PTSD symptoms could even lead to a disruption of their sleeping patterns. And, when sleeping patterns are disturbed it can lead to problems concentrating and difficulty containing one’s anger. Most often PTSD patients try to deal with their problems on a personal level until the development of these latter symptoms. To others they might appear to be normal because they can conceal their anxiety and feelings of depression, but when they are unable to sleep regularly or control their temper other people are likely to take notice. This is commonly the point when many PTSD patients seek therapy or treatment.

Other common PTSD symptoms might include generalized depression, suicidal tendencies, guilt, shame, chest pains, headaches, feeling betrayed, abandonment issues, and substance abuse. So, if you are someone who has experienced a traumatic event or if you know someone who has, it is important to be on vigilant about these PTSD symptoms. Because the sooner the symptoms and problems are recognized the easier it will be to get affective treatment.

Last updated on Apr 10th, 2010 and filed under Mental Health. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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