Oral EDTA chelation
Oral EDTA chelation is a process whereby the body is able to rid itself of harmful toxins and environmental pollutants that have built up through years and years of living. Chelation therapy is a common medical practice used to get rid of heavy metals, including lead, arsenic, iron, plutonium, uranium, and mercury, from the body. The chelator binds to the unwanted toxic metal and forms a compound that can flow through the blood, eventually making its way to the liver and kidneys for excretion through urine or feces. By binding to the heavy metals, the toxic material is not able to bind with anything else in the body, causing unnecessary harm. EDTA has also had some recognition in providing other health benefits.
Proposed Benefits
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of EDTA as a pharmaceutical agent that can be used to remove harmful toxins from the body. Oral use of EDTA has the potential of being a free-radical fighting antioxidant. Besides eliminating these toxins from the body, EDTA has been helpful in:
- Cardiovascular disease: This disease, also known as heart disease, is currently the number one killer in the United States. In addition to cleaning out the blood vessels of heavy metals, EDTA can clear out the very thing that causes heart disease: the plaque and calcium that impedes the flow of blood (and oxygen) to certain organs and extremities.
- Osteoporosis and Bone Loss: By removing build-up of calcium from the blood vessels, EDTA is more likely to make sure calcium gets to the bones to support their strength and density.
- Diabetes: EDTA is also said to benefit those with Diabetes. By restoring blood flow to the body’s extremities and appendages, it is able to help in diabetic-related conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, cataracts, floaters, and preventing diabetic gangrene.
- Blood Clotting: Many studies have shown that oral EDTA can be an effective substitute for blood thinning medications. It works against clots by preventing the blood from becoming too thick, but yet leaving it at a safe level of thinness.
Controversial Sentiments
There is still considerable debate going on about whether oral EDTA is more efficient than EDTA taken intravenously. The facts are there, but the interpretations vary. Some people feel the former is the better option, and some feel the latter is the better one. Let’s look at both sides.
- Oral EDTA Not a Good Choice: EDTA is poorly absorbed by the digestive tract when taken orally. A mere 5% is absorbed as opposed to 100% when given intravenously. The 95% that is left in the intestinal tract mixes with undigested food and essential nutrients and often causes them to be excreted before absorption occurs. Also, EDTA can sometimes bind to trace minerals and take them out of the body with it. Because of its poor absorption, oral EDTA must be given every day (although, this is not a very different practice for those who are already taking medications everyday). For all of these reasons, many people feel that oral EDTA is not worth the time, effort, or money.
- Oral EDTA as a Good Choice: It is important to note that the 95% of the EDTA that is left in the intestinal tract is capable of blocking the reabsorption of the harmful chemicals it is getting rid of in the first place. Other benefits of oral EDTA (besides those listed in the bullet points above) are that it can be given at home and doesn’t require a trip to the doctor’s office, and it is less-invasive than an injection through a vein.
Last updated
on Jan 11th, 2011 and filed under
Alternative Medicine.
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