Millions of dollars are spent on advertising every year to sell you the world’s next great diet product. They tell you how it is going to burn up all your fat or how it is going to make your metabolism run a marathon! There are so many claims and boasts it is hard to know what to believe or even what they are talking about sometimes!
First let’s discuss what exactly metabolism is and how it works. Plain and simple, metabolism is the process that the body uses to convert foods to energy. The food has to be changed into certain elements that can be used by the organs and tissues of the body in order for them to perform their daily functions. The metabolic rate is the rate in which the body performs these functions. So what all the diet gurus carry on about burning up calories or fat is the same thing as changing or working on the bodies metabolism rate.
If a person takes in less calories than they need, then the body will look to the fat in its stores to break down for the energy that is needed to function. When this happens a person loses fat and weight at the same time. Now there are different ways that a person can go about changing the amount of energy needed by the body and what is taken in. They can eat less calories and fat so that the body is forced to use its stores for energy. They can also increase the bodies need for calories by doing extra activity such as exercise.
Now there are some foods and natural substances that can increase the metabolism as well. Water is one of the most important substances to the human body period. It keeps the body hydrated. It also functions to allow the body to rid itself of toxins and waste products. When a person drinks enough water, they reduce stress on the body and allow it to function more efficiently thus boosting the metabolic rate.
Other foods that support nutrition as well as boost metabolic rates are fresh fruits and vegetables. These types of foods are very high in nutritional content while being low in calories. These foods are high in fiber content. Most of these foods are low on the glycemic index as well. This means they do not affect blood glucose levels or cause peaks in insulin levels. This allows the body to use its energy where it is needed not to use it to digest high calorie foods.
Some fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout are considered to be foods that boost the metabolism as well. They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, These fatty acids cause the amount of fat burning enzymes to increase while also decrease the amount of fat storing enzymes that are in the body.
Although certain foods can increase the metabolic rates, having excellent dietary habits and patterns can improve the bodies metabolic rate as well.
Studies have shown that eating five to six small meals a day are much more beneficial for burning fat and calories than eating three large meals a day. Eating breakfast every day also boosts the metabolism for the day as well. Meals should be eaten on a regular basis and not ever skipped.
If all of these foods and practices are incorporated into a daily diet, weight loss can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time. Regular activity or exercise should be incorporated into the weight loss program as well. This helps to boost metabolism as well and will work in conjunction with the diet to help achieve the goals desired.
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