Mental illness symptoms

Symptoms of mental illness can best be described as any condition or disorder that affects the human brain. This, in turn, will influence exactly how a person thinks, feels, behaves and additionally how they interact with others. You will find that the symptoms of mental illness can range from mild to severe, and can be very different from person to person. A lot will depend on the type of person, and the severity of their actual mental illness. However, if someone who suffers with a mental illness is left untreated they will often find it extremely difficult to cope with the daily rigors of everyday life. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that they seek assistance from a mental health professional.

The first thing to look out for as potential symptoms of mental illness will be physical changes in a person. The physical symptoms of mental illness may include aches and pains, a loss of concentration, and an inability to complete a normal daily routine. Physical symptoms may also encompass extreme tiredness, sleep disorders, food disorders, and a complete loss of interest in other people and even sex. If you are in a closed environment, it can actually be very difficult to spot whether a specific physical symptom is indeed a sign of mental illness. Once again, the earlier the signs and symptoms are spotted, the easier it is to contact a mental health professional straight away.

One of the most common mental illness symptoms is a loss of interest, feeling unhappy and not enjoying anything that you do. People often feel powerless, lonely and disconnected and are often forced into social isolation. If this is the case, a person will often lose interest in activities that they used to love. This will include hobbies, sports and pastimes. If a mental illness is very different from depression, it can often be expressed by extremely explosive behavior and a constant irritable mood. Often these types of mental illness symptoms will go unnoticed, and the person suffering will not actually react or realize. However by understanding these symptoms, you have a much better chance of spotting a person demonstrating these behaviors. These are, typically, the developing signs of a mental illness.

As mentioned, diagnosing mental illness and then prescribing the appropriate assistance, is best done by qualified mental health professional. This is typically done by observing and monitoring a person suffering from potential mental illness symptoms within a closed environment. There are numerous methods of treatment, and these include prescription medication, which is often combined with therapeutic sessions. This can, in turn, lead to behavioral modification therapy however this will very much depend on the severity of the illness. Many families partake in therapy and counseling sessions in order to treat the mental illness of a close family member. This is mainly because they will need to deal with someone else’s mental illness on a daily basis, and this will, of course, influence the way they live their life.

A mental illness will ultimately have a big influence on family and friends and, therefore, they play a very unique role in the treatment and recovery of someone who is suffering from a mental illness. It will typically be a family member who is closest to a person suffering with the symptoms, and so they can be considered the best person to track changes in behavior. A family member observing and assisting somebody who suffers from a mental illness is just as important as any specific medication or treatment that may be required.

Psychosis can often occur in those who suffer from severe mental illnesses. Psychosis can best be described as when an individual experiences a loss of a sense of reality. They may cease to see certain things and will not know how to respond appropriately to everyday life. People who have experienced psychosis will tell you that it can be a very frightening experience. One of the main symptoms of psychosis will be having hallucinations or delusions. Unfortunately these can lead to some very abnormal behavior. If somebody is suffering from hallucinations they were often hear their own thoughts, but will believe that this is coming from an outside source, and not internally. A person suffering from psychosis will often see, smell or taste things that appear to be real, but unfortunately are not.

Psychosis can often lead to “mania”. This is when a person suffering from a mental illness may become overactive and will demonstrate increased levels of energy and physical activity. This can lead to racing thoughts and speech, which may appear irrational and extremely confused. As with any form of mental illness it is extremely important to identify the symptoms and intervene as early as possible. If a person can be treated for mental illness very early on, you can expect a far better outcome.

Last updated on Mar 16th, 2011 and filed under Mental Health. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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