An insulin resistance diet is a diet that typically requires a low consumption of carbohydrates and a moderate consumption of proteins and fats. These are the main macros/nutrients that are important to focus on when creating a diet for insulin resistance. This type of diet is used as a treatment method for those with insulin resistance syndrome (also known as metabolic syndrome). Overall it is a great long term treatment option for people suffering from insulin resistance.
Usually the most harmful foods that you could have in this type of diet would be refined foods and obviously sweetened food would definitely be a bad idea. An insulin resistance diet does not require any supplements but it would be recommended to add a multi vitamin and mineral supplement to your diet.
Treating Insulin Resistance
It will take your body roughly two or three months to completely return to a typical insulin sensitivity level. The amount of time that this takes could be a lot longer if you have a much more severe case of insulin resistance or you are obese. Even though the end results will take a while to show most people notice a great chance early in the diet as well.
Once you return to a typical insulin sensitivity level it is possible to go on a maintenance diet. There are a variety of things that should happen in the meantime before you have reached this condition though. You will need to make some of the following improvements to be conditioned for an insulin resistance maintenance diet: weight loss, increase in energy, get rid of cravings for carbohydrate rich foods, and reach a healthy blood perssure level. There are other ways as well to gauge how you are progressing but that list will give you a good idea.
Insulin Resistance Diet Benefits
There are many benefits to going on this type of diet. It is pretty much required that you go on this type of diet if you have insulin resistance and want to improve your health. Once you start the diet and follow it as instructed you will lose cravings for various foods and the feeling of being hungry before each meal throughout the day. If you do happen to feel hungry throughout the day then it may mean that you need to add vegetables (non-starchy), fats, or proteins to your diet.
If you follow the insulin resistance diet as instructed the results will definitely show. There are quite a few things that you will have to avoid (such as saturated fats and unhealthy carbohydrates) but if you do then you will have great results. The most noteworthy benefit of this diet is definitely that it can bring your blood pressure to a normal level but there are still many other reasons why it is beneficial, such as using it for weight loss.
What To Avoid
You will want to do more research on the diet so you fully understand it before going on it. There are quite a few different things that should be avoided for optimal results. For example, carbohydrates can be very risky and you need to make sure you are only eating healthy carbohydrates and in the proper amount as well.
Carbs – there are many unhealthy carbohydrates. These are often referred to as “simple” carbohydrates. You will want to avoid these at all costs. Some examples of high carbohydrate foods you should avoid are potatoes, ice cream, honey, cookies, bread, crackers, popcorn, pasta, and pastries. However do not label all carbohydrates as bad as complex carbohydrates are actually an important part of your diet.
Proteins – this is another important part of your diet but you want to make sure you are getting all the protein from a healthy source. Protein is usually provided by meat or fish and while most of these protein sources are healthy there are still some to avoid. Make sure you go for lean meat and ideally you should be eating wild fish, wild game.
Chicken and turkey are two great examples of healthy meat that is full of proteins. Probably one of the strongest protein sources from fish would be tuna, and it is definitely a good food when trying to lose weight. You can also use eggs and nuts to get protein but make sure you do so in moderation.
Fats – you are going to need to have a moderate amount of fat in your diet. You definitely want to avoid a low fat diet as it does not work well with a low carbohydrate diet. The insulin resistance diet focuses on having a moderate amount of fats and a low amount of carbohydrates.
You should try to get your fats from foods with healthy oils. Monounsaturated oils such as olive oil and canola oil are two great examples of fat sources. You could also get your fat from polyunsaturated oils (which also have a lot of omega 3) such as flax oil and fish oils. Alternatively, some saturated fats can be fine if they come from healthy sources such as coconut oil or avocado oil.
Follow the information provided in this article and find a list of healthy foods for an insulin resistance diet and just stay committed. The results will definitely show after a short period of time and within a few months you could be much healthier and a big step towards treating your insulin resistance.
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