For women, hot flashes can come on for many reasons. Most often hot flashes are associated with menopause, although there are other reasons for one to suffer from hot flashes. Regardless of the reason, dealing with persistent hot flashes can become a challenge.
Often women start hormonal therapy in order to reduce menopausal symptoms including hot flashes. These therapies can help a lot of women, however many women prefer trying more natural approaches in dealing with the hot flashes that are so bothersome. Although hot flashes may not disappear completely, trying a few natural remedies may help limit the amount of hot flashes you have or help lesson the intensity of them.
One of the first natural remedies for hot flashes involves increasing the amount of soy foods in your diet. Soy has natural forms of estrogen which is needed by women going through menopause. There are soy supplements that can be purchased however eating foods made from or containing soy are the best and most beneficial. By increasing the amount of soy that is digested and decreasing some other ingredients in your diet including caffeine, alcohol and heavy spices, you may notice a difference in the amount of hot flashes that are experienced. Also make sure to drink plenty of water. Water will help you stay hydrated and keep you from overheating.
Exercising may be the last thing you want to do when battling hot flashes but the truth is exercising can really help with limiting hot flashes. By doing cardio exercise for a half an hour daily you can stay in shape and keep menopause symptoms in check. It is best to exercise in the morning or afternoon to avoid being too hot at night while trying to rest.
A couple of supplements that can be taken to greatly reduce hot flashes include Vitamin E and Black Cohosh. Both of these have shown great benefits in women who suffer from menopause symptoms. Black Cohosh cannot only help eliminate hot flashes but it can also help with headaches and anxiety which often come along with menopause as well. Recommended doses for Black Cohosh are between 20-60 mg, 3 times a day. Vitamin E not only helps with the hot flashes but also helps keep the immune system strong and the heart healthy. Vitamin E can be taken in doses between 400-800 IUs a day.
In order to avoid hot flashes try to avoid hot weather as much as possible. In the summer months stay in the air conditioning whenever you can. In the winter, avoid wearing heaving materials that trap in the heat. Wear cooler cotton fabrics that allow the skin to breathe. If you notice a hot flash coming on, try to get near a fan or put a cold rag on your face and on the back of your neck. By cooling yourself before the hot flash becomes full blown you can lesson the duration and severity of the sweating. At night, sleep with a fan in your room and a light sheet. Avoid sleeping with heavy blankets to prevent night sweats.
For those who have severe hot flashes or night sweats, medications may become necessary. There are progesterone creams that one can use to help lesson menopausal symptoms as well as anxiety and migraine medications that have shown to reduce hot flashes. Effexor is a medication that is generally used for anxiety and depression but has helped many women with hot flashes. Gabapentin is a migraine medication that has shown to reduce hot flashes as a positive side effect.
Not everyone will benefit from the same remedies. What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else. In order to reduce your hot flashes try different methods until you find the one the works best for you.
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I agree with all of your suggested natural remedies for hot flashes.
Other supplements that can help relieve hot flashes are dong quai and chasteberry. Also, including ground flax seed in your diet will help. (And, it’s really tasty to eat with vanilla yogurt.)
Night sweats and hot flashes are some of the most common menopausal symptoms that us women face. For helpful hints to combat night sweats go to Help For Night Sweats. The tips have been a real lifesaver for many of my clients
I have suffered with hot flashes for over 20 years, some of them are real bad. I have worked with the doctor to find a treatment. Nothing seems to work. Black Cohosh, soy and RX treatment has not worked. Can you suggest treatment?