Home remedies to exfoliate your face

Women everywhere are concerned about the appearance of their facial skin. Whether it is because their skin is too oily or to dry or because they have acne or they want to eliminate or reduce wrinkles, most women will spend money trying to keep their facial skin looking as fast as it can. Most of the time women love to go in for professional facial exfoliation, but this can be very expensive. Aside from the expense many beauty products that are used today contain harmful chemicals which discriminating women would like to avoid. However the dead skin cells still need to be exfoliated off the face to maintain a natural beauty and fresh looking skin. You can maintain a healthier glowing skin if you exfoliate the dead skin off of your face at least once a week. It is very easy to use home remedies to exfoliate face at home and will normally take as little as 25 to 30 minutes. The costs are minimal and any woman can do her own facial at home. Most face exfoliation home remedies need only a few items. The basic supplies you will need are a gentle cleanser, exfoliating scrub that you can make at home, warm water and a washcloth, and a basic moisturizer. Most home remedies to exfoliate face should include all natural and organic skin care ingredients or products. If you are going to buy products look for natural skin care products that have the least amount of toxins and chemicals if you were going to do your own facials at home.

You can also use ingredients you have at home. Some ingredients included in face exfoliation home remedies are essential oils like ginger and tea tree oils. Natural anti-aging plant oils can also be used like grape seed and almond oil. You can also use lavender and green tea to your home remedies. If you go online and search for exfoliate face home remedies you will be able to find all kinds of recipes that you can use at home. Many include using natural fruit extracts such as strawberries, papaya, apples, cucumbers and citrus fruits. All of these are natural substances that have a healthy effect on the skin.

Natural face exfoliation home remedies that include the use of strawberries to exfoliate the dead skin cells are most popular. Strawberries are actually a natural source of the over the counter medications you can buy for acne. Use 1/4 cup of fresh strawberries that you have mashed and add 1/4 cup of sour cream or non-flavored yogurt. Mix these ingredients together and apply to the face. Apply this mixture on your face and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. The fruit acid in the strawberries will exfoliate the dead skin cells and leave your skin looking fresher and cleaner. You can use your fingers to rub the exfoliating scrub in a circular motion on your face. You should pay particular attention to areas around your nose or forehead. Finish off by washing the mixture off with clear water and a moisturizer.

You can also use sea salt to remove dry, flaky, dead skin as one of your face exfoliation home remedies. First, fill your sink with very warm water and immerse a clean wash in the water. Squeeze out the excess water and apply and hold to your face for 30 seconds. Do this two or three times to open up the pores in your face. Then, apply a couple of tablespoons of the sea salt to the damp wash cloth and gently rub on the face. You can use your fingers to rub the salt in circular motions. After two or three minutes rinse the face with cold water so that it is free from sea salt and to tighten up pores. You can then apply your moisturizer. It is best to avoid using any strong moisturizers that contain retinol or acids as these will over exfoliate your skin.

Last updated on Jun 6th, 2011 and filed under Skin Care. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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