We all know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. Without sleep we cannot function to the best of our ability and our mind and bodies do not have time to re-cooperate from all the stress we are faced with during the day. For some people they are able to hit the sack and fall fast asleep without any problems at all, but for others they may get in bed and lie there for several minutes or even hours before falling asleep, just to hear the alarm buzzing to wake them up only a bit later. When you are unable to sleep you are groggy and often grouchy throughout the day. You may find that you lose your ability to focus on important tasks and your memory isn’t at its best.
If you are one of those people looking for a better nights rest, without being dosed with sleep medications, then it may be worth trying a few herbal remedies that can quiet the mind and body for better sleep. There are several different herbs that have had been known to aid with sleep so let us take a look at a few.
The first herb that has been used for years and years is chamomile. Chamomile is a mild sedative and is very relaxing. Sipped as a tea, chamomile can ease nerves and anxiety, which are often problems one faces when falling asleep. Without a peaceful mind you cannot fall asleep and rest well.
Passionflower is an herb that can help those that suffer from insomnia. It can also help relieve muscles and nerve pain for those that may have a hard time falling asleep due to being uncomfortable or suffering from aches and pains. The best way to take this herb is in its liquid form. Take about 45-60 minutes before going to bed and use about 40-50 drops of the tincture in water.
Another popular herb used for sleep is Valerian. Valerian is an herb that can be used at night for a good night’s sleep while feeling refreshed in the morning. Valerian doesn’t have any side effects yet can be one of the strongest and best sleep aids in herbal form. Valerian has been known to restore proper sleep habits when taken regularly and just like the passionflower, it is very good at easing pain associated with muscles and nerves.
Valerian is also good had helping those with menstrual cramping, anxiety, over excitability and stomach problems. You can brew the Valerian and sip as a tea, or you can use the tincture form and take about 20 drops in water about 30 minutes before it is time to rest. Valerian should not be used every day because it will depress the central nervous system and lower blood pressure. Be sure not to exceed the recommended dose since Valerian can have different effects on different people.
As you can see there are several different herbal remedies that you could try. There are a few others to be mentioned as well such as, Hops, St. John’s wart, balm, oats, and Californian poppy. All of these can offer great benefits when it comes to resting the mind, easing pain and inducing sleep. Often times using the herbs together brewed in tea can offer some really great results. The best place to get some of these herbs is from a health food store or a place that specializes in selling herbs and homeopathic remedies. It would be of great benefit to discuss your sleep problems with a specialist in this field before deciding on what herb to try and the proper dosage.
Never give any type of herb to a small child without first discussing the safety factors with a medical professional or an herbal specialist. Herbs may be all natural, but some can still offer side effects depending on the dosage and the person.
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