Fistula surgery

An abnormal passageway or tunnel in the body that connects two cavities is called a fistula. It may also be a one way fistula that that opens from a body cavity to the outside skin. Most often fistulas occur in and around the anus and the genitals. Sometimes fistula surgery is required to close a fistula to prevent infection within the body cavities. On the other hand, a doctor may create a one way fistula to provide an outlet as in the case of a patient who has colon cancer for instance. This kind of fistula is called a colostomy. There are various kinds of fistulas that occur and are certain kinds are more common with certain diseases. Chron’s disease for example, is a common medical condition associated with fistulas. Individuals who have chronic inflammatory conditions also tend to develop fistulas. For instance, a fistula can develop between trachea and the digestive tract because of chronic inflammation and abscesses that occur in the area.

The location of the fistula will help the doctor to determine if fistula surgery is necessary. When the location is pinpointed the doctor will determine if surgery is needed to close it or if it would be better to leave it open for a time. Sometimes it can be treated with antibiotics instead of surgery. Often, the doctor will leave a fistula open until it is cleared of any infection and will then do surgery on it to close the opening to prevent future infection.

Testing is also done to determine if fistula surgery is warranted. A fistulogram is dye test that is done on a fistula in the rectum. Dye is injected into the rectum which goes into the fistula and then x-rays are taken. An enterovesicular fistula is one found in the bladder. A pyelogram test is done on this type of fistula. This is another type of x-ray they use to diagnose a fistula in the bladder. One type of fistula surgery that is done is a temporary ileostomy. This is a resection that diverts the stool through the ileostomy so that the intestinal fistula can have time to heal. Also, an elective fistula surgery known as AV fistula is often done for patients who have to undergo kidney dialysis. This is a surgical procedure in which an artery and a vein are connected so that dialysis treatment can begin. This type of fistula surgery is needed before dialysis treatment can begin.

Anal fistula surgery is a very common procedure for patients who develop an abnormal passage way in this area of the body. This surgery is called a fistulotomy. It is performed under anesthesia. The fistula is cut open and the contents are then scraped and flushed out. The fistula will then be cut so that is laid open and flattened out. There will be a flat scar when it heals. It will take up to two months to heal. Sometimes a small portion of the sphincter muscle must be cut during this kind of fistula surgery depending on the closeness to the muscle. Almost all anal fistulas require surgery but a few can be sealed with glue that is made from protein. Your medical doctor will determine if surgery is warranted.

Vesicovaginal Fistula surgery is another type of fistula surgery on females. This surgery is done to close an abnormal passageway between the bladder and vagina. A vesicovaginal fistula can be caused by an injury that happens during a hysterectomy where an unrecognized bladder laceration is left unattended or because of an inappropriate stitch placement. A fistula of this type can also happen due to an unattended delivery. There are also other types of fistulas that can form in other parts of the body. A medical doctor will determine what type of fistula surgery needs to be done.

Last updated on Feb 24th, 2010 and filed under Medical Treatment. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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