There are a number of different types of estrogen medications out there, including a number of different types of estrogen creams. These creams are often prescribed to women who are dealing with low amounts of the hormone, osteoporosis, vaginal irritation, bleeding of the uterus, breast cancer, and ovarian failure. Estrogen creams may also be prescribed as a form of birth control because they can be used an a morning after contraceptive, although they can cause damage to any fetus that is currently in development, so any woman who thinks she may be pregnant should not use estrogen creams in this way. Estrogen creams are not effective for depression or nervousness caused by menopause, so they should not be used to treat these conditions. Instead, they are an effective way at replacing lost estrogen after menopause. Using an estrogen cream provides many of the same benefits as using any other type of estrogen product, and many of the risks are the same.
There are a number of different side effects that estrogen creams, like all estrogen therapies, may cause, and some of them are quite serious. Because of this, it’s important that you fully discuss every aspect of using estrogen creams with your doctor before you begin using them. In some cases, estrogen has been known to increase the chances of endometrial cancer in women who are post-menopause. However, this is only if you take extreme amounts of estrogen for a long period of time. Generally, low levels of estrogen do not cause an increase in risk, especially when taking on a cyclic rotation in a way similar to birth control.
Another side effect some postmenopausal women may have to deal with is gallbladder disease. Women who use estrogen creams have two to three times greater chance of developing a disease related to their gallbladder. It is also possible that women who use estrogen creams for a long period of time may develop some of the same side effects as those who have taken oral contraceptives for a long period of time, namely liver problems, blood clots, high blood pressure, and glucose intolerance.
While these side effects are fairly serious, there are some other common side effects that are not as life threatening. They include tenderness and enlargement of the breasts, a loss of appetite, sudden weight changes (both gains and losses), swelling in the legs and ankles, nausea, abdominal cramps, feeling bloated, vomiting, and retaining water. The cream may also cause irritation, redness, swelling, or even a rash. You may also experience difficulty breathing or wheezing. If these symptoms do not go away after a few days, you’ll need to contact your doctor because they can indicate an allergic reaction to the cream.
There are some other, less common side effects of estrogen cream, including vaginal bleeding, changing in menstrual flow, jaundice, mild diarrhea, headache, mild dizziness, and changes in sex drive. Many of these side effects are common to all types of estrogen therapy, not just estrogen creams. However, many women have absolutely no side effects at all. Estrogen creams rarely cause extreme side effects, and most side effects are easily treated. One of the most difficult things when it comes to estrogen creams and their side effects, however, is determining when a side effect is caused by the cream. For example, it can be difficult to immediately determine if headaches or nausea are caused by the estrogen cream or by something else. If you suspect that a side effect is caused by your estrogen cream, you should speak to your doctor about it right away.
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